There are 1971 results that match your search criteria.
National Autistic Society Surrey Branch
The National Autistic society (NAS) Surrey Branch provides information, support groups, talks, parent courses & programme and family activities, and represent the interests of parents to service providers.
Telephone: 07423 435 413 (answerphone Please note: all volunteers so can’t reply immediately )
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch - Ashtead Parent to Parent Support Group
The National Autistic Society (NAS) Surrey Branch parent to parent support groups are run by volunteers in a number of towns in Surrey. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic children and young people and to share experiences and our knowledge about local services. A parent support group meets in Ashtead, led by volunteer Tarah Basu. Dates and times of meetings are published in the NAS Surrey Branch newsletter that is available on the homepage of the website:
The Ashtead meetings will alternate between morning and evening. Please always contact the host by email for confirmation that the meeting is going ahead, and to let her know that you will be coming.
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch - Woking Parent to Parent Support Group
The Surrey Branch holds parent to parent support groups, run by volunteers, in several towns in Surrey. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic children and young people, and to share experiences/knowledge about local services. A group for parents/carers of autistic children meets monthly in Woking and is led by Paula Gerrard.
Dates and times of the meeting are published in the NAS newsletter, available on the website homepage:
Please contact the host to confirm that the meeting is going ahead and that you would like to come along.
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – email forum / support group
The NAS Surrey Branch email forum is a moderated online support group for families of autistic people, which enables members to ask other people questions via email. If you would like to join the forum, please use the following link:
Visit website for National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – email forum / support group
National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Guildford Parent to Parent Support Group
The Surrey Branch holds parent to parent support groups, run by volunteers, in several towns in Surrey. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic children and young people, and to share experiences/knowledge about local services. A group for parents/carers of autistic children meets monthly, and is led by Sara Truman. The meetings alternate between morning and evening and are held in Guildford.
Dates and times of the meeting are published in the NAS newsletter, available on the website homepage:
Please contact the host to confirm that the meeting is going ahead and that you would like to come along.
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Online Support Group
The NAS Surrey’s online support group is a community of parents, professionals and autistic people which provides mutual support, information and advice.
Telephone: Contact form on website
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Parents of Adults Support Group
The Surrey Branch holds a support group for parents of adults, run by volunteers. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic adults, and to share experiences/knowledge about local services. A group for parents/carers of autistic adults meets twice a month, and is led by Hilary Dyce. The meetings alternate between being in person and on Zoom.
Dates and times of the meeting are published in the NAS newsletter, available on the website homepage:
Please contact the host to confirm that the meeting is going ahead and that you would like to come along.
Guildford, Woking, Redhill, Leatherhead
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Parents of Girls Group
The Surrey Branch holds parent to parent support groups, run by volunteers, in several towns in Surrey. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic children and young people, and to share experiences/knowledge about local services. A Parents of Girls group meets for coffee every month except for August, and is led by Sally Roberts. The venue alternates between Guildford and Woking. Anyone who is the carer of a girl or woman on the spectrum is welcome to come along.
Dates and times of the meeting are published in the NAS newsletter, available on the website homepage:
Please contact the host to confirm that the meeting is going ahead and that you would like to come along.
Guildford and Woking (alternate)
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Reigate Parent to Parent Support Group
The Surrey Branch holds parent to parent support groups, run by volunteers, in several towns in Surrey. These are informal opportunities to meet with other parents and carers of autistic children and young people, and to share experiences/knowledge about local services. A group for parents/carers of autistic children meets monthly in Reigate and is led by Victoria Nunn.
Dates and times of the meeting are published in the NAS newsletter, available on the website homepage:
Please contact the host to confirm that the meeting is going ahead and that you would like to come along.
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National Autistic Society Surrey Branch – Spouses and Partners Group
This group is not meeting currently. For further information please email Sara Truman:
Borough/District: Guildford
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