Ripley Pre-school


Who to contact


  • Address Wentworth Close
  • Postcode GU23 6ED
  • Borough Guildford

Childcare specific

  • Childcare type Preschool
  • Registered to provide Free Early Education for 2 year olds (FEET) Yes
  • Registered to provide up to 30 hours funded Early Education for 3 and 4 year olds Yes
  • Is pickup available? No


Visit the Ofsted website for conditions, inspection reports, and more.

  • Ofsted URN EY458470
  • Registration date 01/11/2013
  • Registration type(s) Early years register, Compulsory childcare register, Voluntary childcare register
  • Registration exempt? Yes
  • Registration status Active Registration
  • Last inspection type Inspection (Early Years Register)
  • Last inspection date 29/02/2024
  • Last inspection judgement Requires Improvement

If you are an Ofsted registered childcare provider you can update your details or tell us about any childcare vacancies you have.

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