Mid Surrey Ramblers
If you enjoy walking in a relaxed atmosphere and good company, why not come and join us for a Sunday walk. Each Sunday, we arrange two walks - a brisk one of 14-19 miles or longer, and a leisurely one of 6-11 miles. Both are led by members who have researched the route. The longer walks finish with tea and cakes and a further opportunity to chat. The shorter walks provide transport from Epsom, if you prefer a lift. Most walks stop at a pub at lunchtime; some eat in, others picnic; all walks stop for a break mid-morning and mid-afternoon; bring your own coffee/tea. We explore areas of beautiful countryside in Surrey, Sussex, West Kent, and Hampshire.
Who to contact
- Telephone 01372 742 921
- Email midsurreyramblers-query@yahoo.co.uk
- Website www.midsurreyramblers.co.uk/