MindWorks Surrey

MindWorks Surrey is an emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children, young people, parents and carers, and professionals across Surrey.

Children and young people have a central voice in decisions about their care and more choice about their options. They can access a range of services in many ways and in a greater range of settings such as online, telephone, face-to-face and group work.

MindWorks Surrey provides advice, help, support and treatment for children, young people, and their families through the following services:

  • Access and Advice - advice, signposting to existing support or passing through to specialist or clinical support
  • Building Resilience – early support to access services in the local community, such as counselling, mentoring or a wellbeing project, and supporting young people as soon as they start to feel they are struggling
  • School-based Needs – advice, support and signposting for children, young people, parents/carers and school staff, including 1-1 support and group work, both within school and out of school settings
  • Intensive Interventions – specialist support for those who would benefit from extensive or intensive treatment. This includes those with eating disorders, learning difficulties, those affected by sexual trauma and children in care
  • Crisis Admission Avoidance – support for children and young people who are in crisis and require more intensive support
  • Reaching Out – support for the most isolated and vulnerable children and young people. This includes young offenders, children in need and those not in education, employment, or training
  • Neurodevelopmental Services – supports those living with conditions such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

The new services are provided by an alliance of experienced partners working together.

These include Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Barnardo’s, Learning Space and National Autistic Society. The alliance also includes the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership (SWP) - a group of 13 voluntary sector organisations comprising: Barnardo’s, The East to West Trust, The Eikon Charity, Emerge, Learning Space, Leatherhead Youth Project, The Matrix Trust, The National Autistic Society, Peer Productions, Relate West Surrey, Step by Step Partnership Ltd, Surrey Care Trust and YMCA East Surrey.

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