Family Learning - What is Happening in School - Grammar for ESOL Parents (Y1 and 2)

On this FREE online 1+2-week course (2-hour sessions), you will work with the tutor and other parents and carers to understand school education and how English is taught in school. If your child is aged 5-7 years and you speak English as an additional language (EAL) this course is for you. You will:

  • find out about what your child learns about English grammar in Key Stage 1
  • learn about word-level grammar: What are parts of speech? How can we make new words? What are synonyms and antonyms?
  • learn about and practise sentence-level grammar: types of sentences according to function
  • improve your own English skills
  • develop digital skills by using Zoom and Google Classroom

Who to contact

Date and time

  • When is it on Wednesday 18th September 2024
  • Time of day Morning
  • Session Information 9:30am - 11:30am

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