Yorda Adventures - Under 5s Stay and Play
This session has free play with access to all of the Playhouse. They have a range of specialised equipment including: a sunken trampoline, specialised swings, companion bikes, sensory lights, magic mat, soft play, lots of toys and more! As well as free play with access to all of the Playhouse they also run a short, no pressure sensory activity that you can choose to join in with. This could include messy play, painting, water play, or sensory stories!
The Family Projects are exclusively for any family who has a young person with special educational needs and learning disabilities (SEND). You do not need to qualify for our Specialist Childcare to attend these sessions.
A Playworker will be around for a friendly chat, to play and to give you a little extra support throughout the session.
Who to contact
- Telephone 07939 844978
- Email laura@yordaadventures.co.uk
- Website Yorda Playhouse,
- Name Yorda Playhouse,
Devon way, (Behind house no.88),