Families Thriving Together - Talking Teens Programme

Teenagers are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but being a parent of one can be stressful and challenging. The Talking Teens Parent Group helps deal with those challenges so you can have a calmer, happier family life. A tried and tested Programme, it helps us think about what we do, why we do it and how it makes us feel and looks at questions that many parents have, like: How can I stop my child always getting the last word? Why do they always sleep in so late? Can I do anything to help them argue less? What’s normal? Why don’t they want to tell me how they’re feeling? Inside every teenager is a child and an adult.

The Four Sessions:

1. Being a parent of a teenager ; The role of parents for teenagers ; Responding to difficult feelings

2. Understanding your teenager ; Understanding teenage development ; Parenting styles ; Praise and criticism

3. Communicating with your teenager ; Talking and listening ; Communicating clearly ; Handling difficult issues

4. Managing conflict ; Rules and boundaries ; Choosing how to respond ; Problem solving

Fully funded for those living in the Elmbridge and Spelthorne Boroughs.

Who to contact


  • Name Online

Date and time

  • When is it on Tuesdays for 4 weeks from 11 February 2025
  • Time of day Evening
  • Session Information 6:30pm to 8pm

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