Guildford Family Centre - L-SPA Advice Session

The Family Communication officers will be available to speak with families.

Family Communication Officers (FCOs) have a range of knowledge and experience of additional needs and advocate the importance of early intervention for young people and their families to provide the ‘right support at the right time.

The FCOs can support families with:

  • Understanding the graduated response to SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).
  • What Ordinarily Available provision is and what this looks like in educational settings.
  • Understanding a ‘No to Assess’ Educational Health Care Needs Assessment decision.
  • Signposting to appropriate services for support, advice, and intervention.
  • How to collaborate effectively with educational settings.

Please send an email to reserve your slot.

Who to contact


  • Name Guildford Family Centre
  • Address Southway
  • Postcode GU2 8YD
  • Borough Guildford

Date and time

  • When is it on Monday 21st October 2024

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