Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments: Parent Carers July 2023 (updated)
Please note that the temporary offer to accept private educational psychology advice commissioned by parents, carers or education settings as the sole EP advice for EHCNAs, ceased on 15 April 2024. Any private advice received after 15 April 2024 will be fully considered as part of the EHCNA but will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Please be aware that any privately commissioned assessments should have been submitted to the SEND Case Officer by 15 April 2024 to be considered for reimbursement.
We anticipate that EP assessments will be running to time from the start of the summer term.
This temporary offer was in place as part of our multi-agency EHCP Recovery Plan in recognition of the impact a national shortage of Education Psychologists (EPs) was having on assessment timescales. However, as a result of steps taken in Surrey in recent months to address these delays, the EP service has been able to increase its capacity and in turn clear the backlog of assessments waiting to be allocated to an EP.
If you have any questions on the above, please contact the Learners Single Point of Access (L-SPA).