Open letter from Julia Katherine regarding Post 16 Key Stage Transfers

Dear families,

We have now completed the latest Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Key Stage Transfer (KST) process for young people moving to Post 16 provision from September 2024.

The KST process is a statutory process with set timescales which we must follow as a Local Authority. For young people with an EHCP going through the Year 11 KST process, we must issue a final updated EHCP confirming the new placement or type of placement by 31 March 2024.

Nearly 1,000 Surrey young people went through the process this year, for whom we have now issued a final EHCP naming either a placement or type of placement for September 2024.

You can find more information about the KST process on our Key Stages and Key Stage Transfers web page.

Why do some young people have a placement 'named by type'?

There are a number of reasons why it may be necessary to name the 'type' of provision on a young person's EHCP at this stage, rather than a specific named setting. This is different to school age children and there are specific considerations relating to the way post 16 education works that have an impact on this.

Many young people apply for more than one course or placement and have multiple offers or options. Often young people will not decide on their specific placement until they receive their exam results. In these circumstances, naming a specific placement before the young person has met the admissions criteria or made a final decision is not helpful.

Where we were not able to name a specific placement by 31 March 2024, Case Officers contacted young people or their families prior to them receiving the final EHCP, to ensure they were aware of the circumstances.

Although permitted by law, we understand the frustration which some may feel if they do not yet have a named placement. Where possible, we try our best to identify and name a specific provision. However, it's important that we take the time to consider every young person and their specific needs individually to ensure we identify the right provision for them. Our focus now is to continue to work with providers, young people and their families to identify and name all remaining placements as quickly as possible, to allow families time to prepare for September.

What happens next for those 'named by type'?

We know that having a specific named placement is important in planning for the future. I'd like to reassure families that we will continue to work with Post-16 providers to identify and name a specific placement as soon as possible for those who don't yet have one, especially those who do not have any identified placement options or where we are seeking a specialist placement.

Our SEND Case Officers will continue to support young people and their families through the process by providing more information on next steps and sharing progress updates every two weeks via text message, email and/or phone call.

Further information

The Local Offer website Key Stage Transfers (frequently asked questions) page has some helpful information you may wish to refer to, and support is also available for families from SEND Advice Surrey.

We will also soon be launching a new termly update for families of children and young people with additional needs and disabilities, and the practitioners who help them. Updates will provide news and information about young people's additional needs and disabilities broadly, and details of support services available in Surrey. To receive these updates via email, fill in this sign-up form and click the subscribe button.

I would like to thank families for your support and understanding throughout this process. We have also been working closely with our parent/carer forum, Family Voice Surrey, and they will continue to share your lived experience and voice with us to help shape our services.

I hope this update has been helpful, but if you have any questions or concerns, please do make contact with us via your Case Officer or the LSPA contact centre.


Julia Katherine
Director of Education and Lifelong Learning

8 April 2024