Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
What is Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)?
Child Sexual Exploitation is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity. This may take place in person or online. A young person might even be encouraged to take part by someone in their peer group who may already be a victim.
A common feature of CSE is that the child won't see themselves as a victim. They feel they are in a grown-up relationship. They may be given gifts by a perpetrator to encourage them into sexual activity. This could be money, phones or clothes, as well as alcohol or drugs. Initially the young person might feel like they are in control of the situation, but blackmail, violence and intimidation will often be used to force them to continue to take part in sexual activities when they want to stop.
Are children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at risk of Sexual Exploitation?
Child Sexual Exploitation is not limited to particular areas of the country, family backgrounds, genders or sexual orientation. It can happen to anyone. But children who are already vulnerable in some way may be more likely to be targeted.
The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (Bild) reports that children with special educational needs and learning disabilities are more vulnerable to child sexual exploitation. The reasons for this are complex and different for each child. Children might be vulnerable because:
- They struggle to understand what exploitation is
- They have less access to education on sex and relationships
- Parents, carers and professionals may perceive children with SEND as being uninterested in sex or relationships, so incorrectly assume they cannot be exploited
- When a child is being exploited, they may be unable to tell anybody. This could be due to communication barriers or a lack of empowerment.
- They might not be believed when they tell someone what is happening to them
- They are socially isolated
- Signs that a child is being exploited, such as displaying challenging behaviour, may be overlooked as being a symptom of the child's condition or disability
How does Child Sexual Exploitation happen online?
Sometimes young people are exploited by a person they've never met in real life, or only met briefly. CSE can take place through online grooming on chat rooms, social media and online gaming. The perpetrator may encourage the young person to take part in activities including:
- Sexting.
- Performing sexual acts via webcams.
- Sending nude photographs of themselves, or posting them online.
- Viewing inappropriate content online.
- To meet up with the perpetrator in real life.
When a young person feels that they no longer want to communicate with this person, the perpetrator might threaten to share sexual images of the young person with their family, friends or wider community.
Childline has advice for young people who have sent pictures and are worried about what might happen to them next.
Get a nude image removed from the internet
If you're under-18 and a nude image or video of you has been shared online, you can report it to be removed from the internet.
Use the Report Remove tool from Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation
What are some signs of Child Sexual Exploitation?
- Truanting from school, coming home late/going missing or staying out all night without explanation.
- A sudden change in appearance or behaving in an overly sexualised way.
- Becoming secretive or isolating themselves from family, friends and professionals.
- Having money, receiving gifts or having personal items that they are unable or unwilling to tell you from who or where.
- Associating with older people or a new peer group and perhaps being seen in their cars. Having, or starting a relationship with an older boyfriend or girlfriend.
- Drug or alcohol misuse and being in trouble for committing criminal offences.
- Suffering from a sexually transmitted disease or having several pregnancies or terminations.
- For further signs, see Surrey Police Child Sexual Exploitation
Some of these behaviours may have other explanations, but if you are concerned, or if your child is displaying several of these signs, it is important to seek help or advice.
How can you help lower the risk of Child Sexual Exploitation?
- Talk to your child about the importance of consent, and what it means to be in a healthy relationship.
- Warn them to not trust people they don't know, either in person or online, even if they seem friendly.
- Make sure your child understands to never give strangers their personal details or arrange to meet them. Personal details include full name, home address and what school they go to.
- If you have difficulty talking with your child, consider seeking help from a parenting course or counsellor so that you can develop an open relationship with each other.
- Reassure your child that you are there for them no matter what, and it's not their fault if they have been forced to send naked photos or engage in sexual activity.
- Let your child know who they can tell if they are concerned about themselves or a friend. This should include you, another family member, a teacher or social worker, or to contact Childline or the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
Who can I report my concerns to?
- Surrey Police on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
- Surrey Children's Services on 0300 470 9100.
- Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.