Who does what at each step
Who's involved once the work is complete
- Introduction
- The role of parent carers and families
- Who's involved in an OT assessment
- Who's involved in funding the adaptation
- Who's involved in planning the adaptation
- Who's involved in the building work
- Who's involved once the work is complete
- Builder/contractor
- Your child/young person's Occupational Therapist (OT)
- your District/Borough (D/B) Council's Grants Officer
- Home Improvement Agency (HIA) if used
- Surveyor/architect/project manager
- Builder/contractor
- Your child/young person
- You
Builders/contractors will:
- alert you and the D/B Council when work is near completion to arrange sign off
- come back to fix any snags/snagging problems once they have finished the work
- confirm their one year guarantee of all the building work completed and signed-off.
Your OT will:
- review the work to make sure it meets your child/young person's needs.
The D/B Grants Officer will:
- review and sign off the adaptations, including building work certification
- check the final adaptation meets the OT recommendations
- address any snagging issues with the builders/contractors
- pay the builder once snags have been fixed
- pay the HIA, if used.
For more information see Step 6 - building work completed.