This is a list of some important words and phrases and what they mean.
Discrimination is when someone treats your child/young person differently, unfairly or worse because of their needs.
It also applies to age, being disabled, gender, gender identity, being married or in a civil partnership, being pregnant or having a child, religion or beliefs, race, skin colour or place of birth, or sexuality.
Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP)
OAP is the support that mainstream schools should be able to provide with the funding, staff and resources they already have.
SEN Support
Additional support provided by a school for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to help achieve their outcomes or learning objectives set by the school.
A Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator within a school who is responsible for assessing, planning and monitoring the progress of children or young people who have SEND.
SEND Case Officer
A key contact for families and young people who have an EHCP, working with schools, partners and other professionals across the education, health and care sectors.
Social Care
Personal care and other practical assistance for children, young people and adults who need extra support because of an illness or disability.
Social Worker
A professional who works with families and individuals to assess their needs and wishes, help them make changes, organise support and make referrals to other services that are able to offer support.