Surrey Children's Disability Register (SCDR)
What is the Children's Disability Register (SCDR)?
The Surrey Children's Disability Register (SCDR) is a voluntary register for children and young people, from birth to 18 years old who have a disability.
It is the parent or guardian's choice to place their child on the register.
Registration is not linked to or a requirement of receiving social care services, which are assessed separately.
What is the register used for?
Registering your child on the Surrey Children's Disability Register helps Surrey County Council to identify and plan for the needs of children with disabilities and their families. The register is used to help Surrey plan and monitor services and also operates as a contact list to provide regular information and consultation about short break opportunities, funded by Surrey County Council, through the Surrey Short Breaks for Disabled Children Team.
Being on the register also includes access to the Max Card. The Max Card is the UK's leading discount card for foster families and families of children with additional needs. Families can use their Max Card at venues across the UK to get free or discounted admission.
How do I register my child on the SCDR?
You can register your child by completing the SDCR online registration form. For any other queries please email:
Does my child need to be on the register to receive support?
No. Registration is voluntary and is not linked to or a requirement of receiving social care services, which are assessed separately. Children do not need to be on the register to receive support for their special educational needs or disabilities.
Does my child need to have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, for me to place them on the register?
No, your child does not need an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan to be on the register.