Preparing your child to start at an early years setting

Starting a new phase in their education is a big step for a child and their family. An 'early years setting' is the place where a child's early education takes place. This could be a childminder, pre-school or nursery.

Early years settings have a range of activities to help children become more familiar with their new environment, routines, staff, and other children.

The term 'education transition' or 'transition' is often used to describe any changes for your child with additional needs and disability. This could be when they go into a nursery, from one nursery to another, within the nursery and from nursery to school.

Early Years Practitioners can access support from Surrey County Council, to help make transitions for children with additional needs as smooth as possible. Settings use the Supporting Positive Transitions in the Early Years Guidance (PDF) and Supporting Positive Transitions in the Early Years Appendices, which parents are also welcome to look at.

What you can expect from your child's setting:

  • All settings are expected to include children with additional needs where possible.
  • They should make time for a conversation with you to fully understand your child's strengths and needs.
  • They may offer a Transition Meeting before your child starts. This meeting is between setting staff and professionals who work with your child in a social or health care role. It ensures everything is in place for a positive start.
  • They might carry out a home visit to meet your child where they feel comfortable.
  • They should explain their settling-in process. This is the plan to best help your child get comfortable in the new environment, which should be adjusted to meet your child's needs.
  • A 'social story' can be provided which will allow you to share photos of the new setting with you child, at home.
  • If your child has required additional support to settle in, you may be offered a settling-in review.

How you can support as a parent:

The Surrey County Council Early Years SEND Team who work directly with staff in early years settings, to support children who may have additional needs, have produced a video for parents to support transition into an Early Years Setting.

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