Education health and care practitioner resources

If you work with a child or young person, you can use the forms below to request Education Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.

You can also find the EHC plan statutory reviews (annual reviews) templates.

Below are all the documents required for Surrey's SEND Support Arrangements process:

If a child or young person does not make the progress expected for their age, starting point and particular circumstances, it may be appropriate to consider with parent/carers whether an EHC plan is needed.

Example paperwork

Schools can use the documents below for pre-statutory stage meetings. However, they can use their own paperwork instead if they choose.

Occasionally, children and young people's needs are so complex that a statutory assessment of their Education, Health and Care needs may be appropriate.

If you are a professional supporting a child or young person where you feel a statutory assessment may be required, please complete:

Once completed, please submit these to our new team in the L-SPA, using the online Learners request for assessment form.

Before submitting your application, you will also be prompted to supply any other additional evidence that may support your request for statutory assessment.

Our team of multi-agency professionals will review your request and make a recommendation as to whether a statutory assessment is required, based on the child or young person's needs. We will always let you know the outcome within 6 weeks of the request being made.

There may be occasions that we do not agree that a statutory assessment is required, however, we will always provide you specific and individual reasons for this, as well as signpost you to services that may be more appropriate.

For information about how we use the data, please see the Children, families, lifelong learning and culture privacy notice.

Parents/ carers EHC needs assessment form

Parents and carers who are considering making a request for an EHC needs assessment should talk to their child's school or educational setting. They can also contact the Learners' Single Point of Access (L-SPA) on 0300 200 1015.

The L-SPA can give more information about the assessment process and the recommended next steps.

Parents and carers can request an assessment by completing the Request for Education, Health and Care Plan Assessment young person, parent or carer form (DOC).

Once completed, please email the request form to

Surrey County Council will let parents and carers know in writing within six weeks from the date of the request if we decide to do an EHC needs assessment.

Parents, carers and young people aged 16 to 25 also have the right to request an EHC needs assessment by writing to the Local Authority (Surrey County Council).

For more information, you can contact SEND Advice Surrey. The national Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) website has resources that may help, including template letters.

All Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans must be reviewed at least annually.

By law, it's the Local Authority's (LA) responsibility to complete the review process, but we delegate some steps to the school/setting/or other education provider, who are known as the host.

The Annual Review (AR) is more than just a meeting, it is a complete process, including actions that must be taken before and after the meeting. This process must be completed on or before the anniversary of when the EHC Plan was first issued or the anniversary of the last review. This is laid down in law and in the SEND Code of Practice (CoP).

For more information about the annual review process (including interim annual reviews), see the EHC plan statutory review process and documents.

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