Forms, templates and guidance

Pracitioners, including SENCOs, teachers and others working with children or young people with additional needs in Surrey, may find the forms and templates below useful. Guidance is also available to help complete key forms, including the Education Health and Care (EHC) plan statutory review forms (annual reviews).

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Request support from the Learners' Single Point of Access (L-SPA)

Learners Request for Support has been devised to help learners across Surrey access support when they need it.

This will ensure that we obtain a holistic view of a child or young person's needs, to help us better focus on where we need to direct support for an individual. The forms below should be used by any professional working with a child or young person, should they have a concern about their learning and/or development.

To make a request for support, please complete:

Once completed, please submit these to our new team in the L-SPA, using the online Learners request for support form.

Our team will review your request for support and ensure that appropriate next steps are taken, based on the child or young person's individual needs.

For information about how we use the data, please see the Children, families, lifelong learning and culture privacy notice.

Education Health and Care forms

All Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans must be reviewed at least annually.

By law, it's the Local Authority's (LA) responsibility to complete the review process, but we delegate some steps to the school/setting/or other education provider, who are known as the host.

The Annual Review (AR) is more than just a meeting, it is a complete process, including actions that must be taken before and after the meeting. This process must be completed on or before the anniversary of when the EHC Plan was first issued or the anniversary of the last review. This is laid down in law and in the SEND Code of Practice (CoP).

For more information about the annual review process (including interim annual reviews), see the EHC plan statutory review process and documents.

Occasionally, children and young people's needs are so complex that a statutory assessment of their Education, Health and Care needs may be appropriate.

If you are a professional supporting a child or young person where you feel a statutory assessment may be required, please complete:

Once completed, please submit these to our new team in the L-SPA, using the online Learners request for assessment form.

Before submitting your application, you will also be prompted to supply any other additional evidence that may support your request for statutory assessment.

Our team of multi-agency professionals will review your request and make a recommendation as to whether a statutory assessment is required, based on the child or young person's needs. We will always let you know the outcome within 6 weeks of the request being made.

There may be occasions that we do not agree that a statutory assessment is required, however, we will always provide you specific and individual reasons for this, as well as signpost you to services that may be more appropriate.

For information about how we use the data, please see the Children, families, lifelong learning and culture privacy notice.

Educational Psychology forms and templates

Schools can request educational psychology support by completing a Request for Educational Psychology Involvement (REPI).

When considering whether to submit a REPI please refer to the Inclusion and Additional Needs Service Offer which can be found here Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs service offer. This document contains helpful flow chats to assist you in deciding which service may be best placed to offer support.

You can request support for whole school development activity. The Surrey Educational Psychology team have developed a suite of bite-sized training modules which focus on the top eight psychological frameworks and approaches requested by schools and recommended by Educational Psychologists (EP). These have a strong evidence base and are impactful in meeting the needs of the whole school community including those with additional/ special educational needs. The modules are 60 to 90 minutes in duration and can be delivered at a time which minimises disruption to schools. If you are concerned about a number of students, we would recommend this route. You can request support for school development training by completing a REPI request form via the following link: Request for Educational Psychology Involvement.

You can request support when you are concerned about individual pupils. We will prioritise support for children who might be described as care experienced, child in need, at risk of suspension, permanent exclusion and placement breakdown, and pupils who are experiencing difficulties in accessing academic and social education including emotionally based school non-attendance. To request support for an individual pupil, please access the following link to complete a REPI request form: Request for Educational Psychology Involvement.

The following template is used for statutory psychological advice: Statutory Educational Psychology Advice template (PDF)

Directed off site and managed move protocol

You can download the Directed off-site provision notification form (DOC). This form should be returned to

When you complete the form, you will need to indicate which strategy you are using.

The Surrey directed off site and managed move protocol can be found on the Surrey Education Services website. This provides guidance for schools who are considering a Managed Move or a Directed off-site provision for a child of compulsory school age. You can find the protocol in the Inclusion Resources section, under the exclusion subfolder, of the Surrey Education Services website (log in required).

Schools may also wish to consult the UK government guidance Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement.

Medical conditions

Access 2 Education (A2E) is the council's provider of interim education support for children and young people who are medically unfit to attend school. Schools can complete an A2E referral by going to the Surrey Education Services (SES) Hub and logging into the SES portal.

Personal Budgets

Personal budgets are one element of a personalised approach to supporting children and young people with SEND and should be seen as an integral part of the coordinated assessment and EHC planning process where there is a clear focus on improving outcomes for children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

SEND Support Arrangements

SEND Support Arrangements Template (DOC) provides settings with the template required to complete a pre-statutory plan

If a child or young person does not make the progress expected for their age, starting point and particular circumstances, it may be appropriate to consider with parent/carers whether an EHC plan is needed.

Schools can use the documents below for pre-statutory stage meetings. However, they can use their own paperwork instead if they choose.

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