Practitioners' resources (old layout)
New page layout
In response to user feedback, we are improving our layouts to make practitioner resources and information easier to find. This page retains the original layout of the practitioner resource section. You can find the same information in a proposed new layout, on the Practitioner resources page.
You can use the feedback box the bottom of the page to share your opinion. You can also join our practitioners' user group meeting, which will be held online in March. For more information or to get involved, please email
The resources in the left-hand menu and linked below can be used to help practitioners support families of children and young people with SEND.
If you feel there is missing or incorrect information on this page, please let us know through our Feedback form.
- Graduated Response Early Years
- Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs service offer
- SEND Personal Budgets Policy
- Ordinarily available provision (schools)
- Education Health and Care (EHC) plan statutory review process and documents
- Learners Request for Support
- Request for Statutory Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (0 to 25 years)
- Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs Partnership Strategy (2023 to 2026)
- Mainstream banding SEND framework
Accessibility Strategy
The requirements for Local Authorities to put in place a written Accessibility Strategy are specified in Schedule 10 (Accessibility for Disabled Pupils) of the 2010 Equality Act. The aim of the strategy is to increase participation in the curriculum and improve the physical environment in schools for disabled pupils. It replaces Surrey County Council's Social Inclusion Framework for Schools and Educational Settings. Read the latest Surrey County Council Accessibility Strategy (PDF).
Admission Arrangements
For information on Surrey's school admissions process for children with an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, please see the Surrey County Council web page Applying for a school place for a child with an EHC plan.
Alternative Provision (including Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support document)
Alternative Provision (AP) is "education outside school, arranged by local authorities or schools, for pupils who do not attend mainstream school for reasons such as exclusion, behaviour issues, school refusal, short- or long-term illness". It can be for children who have social, emotional, or mental health needs, complex health needs or for whom an academic pathway of GCSEs is not appropriate.
Read Surrey County Council's Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support (revised July 2023) (PDF).
Section 19 says that it is the duty of the local authority to 'make arrangements for the provision of suitable education to children of compulsory school age who, by reason of illness, exclusion from school, or otherwise, may not receive suitable education unless such arrangements are made for them.
Read Surrey County Council's Section 19 statement of duties.
For more information about Alternative Provision information, see the Alternative Provision in Surrey webpage.
Annual Reviews (EHC plan statutory reviews)
All Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans must be reviewed at least annually.
By law, it's the Local Authority's (LA) responsibility to complete the review process, but we delegate some steps to the school/setting/or other education provider, who are known as the host.
The Annual Review (AR) is more than just a meeting, it is a complete process, including actions that must be taken before and after the meeting. This process must be completed on or before the anniversary of when the EHC Plan was first issued or the anniversary of the last review. This is laid down in law and in the SEND Code of Practice (CoP).
- You should use the Surrey EHC plan statutory review form (DOC) for all reviews regardless of the type of review, the child/ young person's age, key stage, or placement.
- You can refer to the Surrey EHC Plan Review guidance for professionals document (PDF) and the page-by-page How to complete the Review Form document (PDF) for instructions on how to complete the Surrey EHC plan statutory review plan.
- If you are carrying out a Preparation for Adulthood Review, you can also refer to this annual review example detailing how to identity changes for needs, provision and Preparing for Adulthood pathway (PDF).
For more information about the annual review process (including interim annual reviews), see the Education Health and Care (EHC) plan statutory review process and documents.
Children's crisis service (CCS)
The Children's Crisis Service is a county-wide service for children aged 4 to 18 with behaviours of concern or behaviours that challenge carers because of a Learning Disability (LD) and/ or Autism (ASC), who are at risk of placement breakdown.
Who the service is for:
To access this service, the child must have met the criteria below:
- a formal diagnosis of ASC and/ or a Learning Disability,
- behaviours of concern/ that challenge carers.
- be at risk of placement breakdown,
- have an allocated Social Worker
- subject to a Child in Need (CIN)/ Child Protection (CP) plan/ a child within Local Authority Care at risk of placement breakdown.
Contact the Children's Crisis Service
- Telephone: 01483 517187
- Email:
- Address: Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, KT22 7AH
Directed off site and managed move protocol
The Surrey directed off site and managed move protocol can be found on the Surrey Education Services website. This provides guidance for schools who are considering a Managed Move or a Directed off-site provision for a child of compulsory school age. You can find the protocol in the Inclusion Resources section, under the exclusion subfolder, of the Surrey Education Services website (log in required).
You can also download the Directed off-site provision notification form (DOC) where you will need to indicate which strategy you are using. This form should be returned to
Schools may also wish to consult the UK government guidance Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement.
Disabled children and the Equality Act
The Council for Disabled Children have published an updated guide to the duties schools have to their disabled students under the Equality Act 2010: Disabled Children and the Equality Act 2010: What teachers need to know and what schools need to do.
This guide is designed to help teachers understand the legislation and how it applies to their work with disabled pupils in their school.
Educational Psychology Advice templates
Statutory Educational Psychology Advice template
The following template is used for statutory psychological advice: Statutory Educational Psychology Advice template (PDF)
Quality Assurance Guidance for Private Educational Psychology Advice
You can refer to Quality Assurance Guidance for Private Educational Psychology Advice (PDF).
Educated Other Than at School (EOTAS)
Occasionally there are circumstances when children/young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) need to be educated outside of traditional education settings such as schools or colleges.
To ensure that all children/young people can receive an efficient and effective education, the Children and Families Act 2014 allows for education outside of traditional education settings. EOTAS is education otherwise than at school, including post-16 settings. It is education arrangements that meet the needs of children or young people who, for whatever reason, are unable to attend any mainstream or specialist education setting.
For detailed information on EOTAS provision in Surrey read the EOTAS policy (PDF).
Graduated Response for Early Years settings
Information and documents to help special educational needs coordinators (SENCO), early years practitioners, home-based child carers and playworkers support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.
Access the Graduated Response Early Years.
Inclusion and additional needs service schools offer
The purpose of the Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs service offer is to help schools and settings understand our service offers available to support schools to meet pupils needs as they emerge.
Read the Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs service offer.
Local Area SEND Inspection 2023
From 11 to 29 September 2023 Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) undertook a three-week inspection of the local area partnership in Surrey to evaluate the effectiveness of these arrangements for children and young people with SEND.
For further details including a publication of the inspection findings visit Local Area SEND Inspection 2023.
Request for Statutory Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment (0 to 25 years)
Occasionally, children and young people's needs are so complex that a statutory assessment of their Education, Health and Care needs may be appropriate.
If you are a professional supporting a child or young person where you feel a statutory assessment may be required, please complete:
Once completed, please submit these to our new team in the L-SPA, using the online Learners request for assessment form.
Before submitting your application, you will also be prompted to supply any other additional evidence that may support your request for statutory assessment.
Our team of multi-agency professionals will review your request and make a recommendation as to whether a statutory assessment is required, based on the child or young person's needs. We will always let you know the outcome within 6 weeks of the request being made.
There may be occasions that we do not agree that a statutory assessment is required, however, we will always provide you specific and individual reasons for this, as well as signpost you to services that may be more appropriate.
For information about how we use the data, please see the Children, families, lifelong learning and culture privacy notice.
Learners Request for Support (0 to 25 years)
Learners Request for Support has been devised to help learners across Surrey access support when they need it.
This will ensure that we obtain a holistic view of a child or young person's needs, to help us better focus on where we need to direct support for an individual. The forms below should be used by any professional working with a child or young person, should they have a concern about their learning and/or development.
To make a request for support, please complete:
Once completed, please submit these to our new team in the L-SPA, using the online Learners request for support form.
Our team will review your request for support and ensure that appropriate next steps are taken, based on the child or young person's individual needs.
For information about how we use the data, please see the Children, families, lifelong learning and culture privacy notice.
Mainstream banding SEND framework
Following our Schools and Public Consultation earlier this year, Surrey County Council will implement changes to the way in which children and young people with an EHC plan are funded in mainstream educational settings.
For more information, please see the Mainstream School (SEND) Banding Framework document (PDF).
Ordinarily available provision in schools
This guidance document sets out expectations, strategies and support available to schools to support children with additional needs.
It replaces the old Graduated Response for Schools document and the SEND Profiles of Need.
Please see the Ordinarily available provision (schools).
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Joint Position Statement
Read the Surrey Joint Position Statement regarding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDF).
Personal Budgets policy and form
Personal budgets are one element of a personalised approach to supporting children and young people with SEND and should be seen as an integral part of the coordinated assessment and EHC planning process where there is a clear focus on improving outcomes for children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Process for under 18s with SEND who are in, or leaving youth custody
Since 1 April 2015 new laws and statutory guidance have been in place that apply to how young people with SEND are supported in youth custody. These changes have been designed to improve how Surrey work with children, young people and their families and to further joint working across agencies.
Surrey's guidance documentation sets out the SEND process for young people with SEND who are in, or leaving, youth custody and are aged 18 and under.
Provision mapping
Provision mapping guidance for teachers, SENCOs and school leaders is available on the provision mapping page and within the Ordinarily available provision (schools) guidance.
You can also download the Provision Mapping template (DOC)
Request for Educational Psychology Involvement (REPI)
Schools can request educational psychology support by completing a Request for Educational Psychology Involvement (REPI).
When considering whether to submit a REPI please refer to the Inclusion and Additional Needs Service Offer which can be found here Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs service offer. This document contains helpful flow chats to assist you in deciding which service may be best placed to offer support.
You can request support for whole school development activity. The Surrey Educational Psychology team have developed a suite of bite-sized training modules which focus on the top eight psychological frameworks and approaches requested by schools and recommended by Educational Psychologists (EP). These have a strong evidence base and are impactful in meeting the needs of the whole school community including those with additional/ special educational needs. The modules are 60 to 90 minutes in duration and can be delivered at a time which minimises disruption to schools. If you are concerned about a number of students, we would recommend this route. You can request support for school development training by completing a REPI request form via the following link: Request for Educational Psychology Involvement.
You can request support when you are concerned about individual pupils. We will prioritise support for children who might be described as care experienced, child in need, at risk of suspension, permanent exclusion and placement breakdown, and pupils who are experiencing difficulties in accessing academic and social education including emotionally based school non-attendance. To request support for an individual pupil, please access the following link to complete a REPI request form: Request for Educational Psychology Involvement.
School Transport
You can find details of how to apply for school transport for children with and without an EHC plan on the Transport to educational settings web page.
Schools SEN information report
Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 2015 the governing body or proprietor of every maintained school, maintained nursery school and academy schools, must publish information for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with special education needs (SEN), regardless of whether they have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan or not.
Whilst this duty does not apply to independent schools and nurseries or post-16 colleges, they are encouraged to provide details of the support available to pupils with SEN.
Every school must:
- Prepare a Schools SEN Information Report giving detailed information about their provision and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
- Review the SEN Information Report at least annually, and when there are significant changes needed, to ensure it is accurate and up to date.
- Publish the Schools SEN Information Report on the school website so that families and professionals can find it easily.
The SEN Information Report (SIR) sets out how a setting applies their SEN policy in practice and is different to the SEN Policy.
To find details of the schools SEN Policy and SEN Information Report refer to the school's website or contact the school directly if having difficulty locating.
For more information, including examples of best practise, please see the Schools SEN Information Report page.
SEND Support Arrangements (previously known as Pathways Plans)
If a child or young person does not make the progress expected for their age, starting point and particular circumstances, it may be appropriate to consider with parent/carers whether an EHC plan is needed.
Below are all the documents required for Surrey's SEND Support Arrangements process:
- SEND Support Arrangements Process Flowchart (PDF)
- SEND Support Arrangements Template (DOC) provides settings with the template required to complete a pre-statutory plan
Example paperwork
Schools can use the documents below for pre-statutory stage meetings. However, they can use their own paperwork instead if they choose.
Supporting children and young people with medical conditions
Guidance for schools and educational settings in Surrey based on the Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions December 2015.
Access 2 Education (A2E) is the council's provider of interim education support for children and young people who are medically unfit to attend school. Schools can complete an A2E referral by going to the Surrey Education Services (SES) Hub and logging into the SES portal.
Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs strategy (2023 to 2026)
Surrey's Inclusion and Additional Needs strategy replaces the previous SEND Strategy 2019 to 2022. This strategy is also available in Easy Read format:
- Surrey Inclusion and Additional Needs Partnership Strategy (2023 to 2026)
- Surrey Additional Needs and Disabilities Plan Easy Read (2023 to 2026) (PDF)
Teaching Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties
Read the Surrey County Council Teaching Children and Young People with Literacy Difficulties Practice Guidance