Additional resources

The resources on this page are available for practitioners in Surrey working with children and young people with additional needs and/ or disabilities.

For further resources, including EHC needs assessment forms, EHC plan templates and statutory review forms, go to the SEND resources for practitioners page.


Local Area SEND Inspection 2023

The Local Area SEND inspection is an inspection of the services jointly provided by education, health and social care services. The inspection is undertaken by inspectors from Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted.

The aim is to hold the Local Area to account, by reviewing how the Local Area meets their responsibilities for children and young people aged 0-25 who have additional needs and disabilities.

To prepare for Surrey Additional Needs and Disability Partnership's upcoming Local Area SEND inspection, you can refer to the following documents:

Local Area SEND Inspection webinar (25 January 2023)

Accessibility strategy

The requirements for Local Authorities to put in place a written Accessibility Strategy are specified in Schedule 10 (Accessibility for Disabled Pupils) of the 2010 Equality Act.

The aim of the strategy is to increase participation in the curriculum and improve the physical environment in schools for disabled pupils. It replaces Surrey County Council's Social Inclusion Framework for Schools and Educational Settings.

Admission arrangements

For information on Surrey's school admissions process for children with an EHCP, please see the Surrey County Council web page 'Applying for a school place for a child with an EHCP'.

Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support

Alternative Provision (AP) is "education outside school, arranged by local authorities or schools, for pupils who do not attend mainstream school for reasons such as exclusion, behaviour issues, school refusal, short- or long-term illness". It can be for children who have social, emotional, or mental health needs, complex health needs or for whom an academic pathway of GCSEs is not appropriate.

You can read Surrey County Council's most recent Alternative Provision policy document below:

Disabled children and the Equality Act

The Council for Disabled Children have published an updated guide to the duties schools have to their disabled students under the Equality Act 2010. The updated guide has been funded by the Department for Education.

This guide is designed to help teachers understand the legislation and how it applies to their work with disabled pupils in their school.

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Joint Position Statement

Surrey's Joint Position Statement regarding Pathological Demand Avoidance is available here.

Provision mapping

Process for under 18s with SEND who are in, or leaving youth custody

Since 1 April 2015 new laws and statutory guidance have been in place that apply to how young people with SEND are supported in youth custody. These changes have been designed to improve how Surrey work with children, young people and their families and to further joint working across agencies.

Surrey's guidance documentation sets out the SEND process for young people with SEND who are in, or leaving, youth custody and are aged 18 and under.

School transport

You can find details of how to apply for school transport for children with and without an EHC plan on the Transport to educational settings web page.

SEND Support Arrangements (previously known as Pathways Plans)

If a child or young person does not make the progress expected for their age, starting point and particular circumstances, it may be appropriate to consider with parent/carers whether an EHC plan is needed.

Below are all the documents required for Surrey's SEND Support Arrangements process:

Example paperwork

Schools can use the documents below for pre-statutory stage meetings. However, they can use their own paperwork instead if they choose.

Supporting children and young people with medical conditions

Guidance for schools and educational settings in Surrey based on the Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions December 2015.

You can read the Surrey County Council's current medical policy (December 2022) below:

Access 2 Education (A2E) is the council's provider of interim education support for children and young people who are medically unfit to attend school. Referral to A2E can be made by completing the A2E Request for Involvement form.

Teaching children and young people with literacy difficulties

The Surrey County Council guidance for this can be found below:

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