There are 185 results that match your search criteria.
Missing People
Missing People is a registered charity which specialises in bringing missing children and adults back together with their families. It provides a free 24 hour telephone helpline, as well as offering advice and providing details of missing people on its website.
Missing People, 284 Upper Richmond Road West, London
Telephone: Call or Text: 116000
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Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM)
Support organisation for breastfeeding mothers, including volunteer breastfeeding counsellors who offer various forms of support such as: a helpline, local support groups, webchat, email service and an information library.
ABM, PO Box 207, Bridgwater
Telephone: Helpline : 0300 100 0212
Send email to Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) Visit website for Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM)
The Miscarriage Association
The Miscarriage Association offer information and support to people who have had a miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy through various forms of support such as: live chat, online support, helpline, online resources and support groups.
The Miscarriage Association, 17 Wentworth Terrace, Wakefield
Telephone: Helpline : 01924 200799 ( Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm )
Send email to The Miscarriage Association Visit website for The Miscarriage Association
Ataxia UK
Ataxia UK supports everyone affected by ataxia, people with the condition, their families, carers, and friends. They provide support through their helpline and aim to find treatments and cures.
12, Broadbent Close, London
Telephone: Helpline : 0800 995 6037, Office : 020 7582 1444
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Monday to Saturday: 8am to 8pm, Sunday:10am to 6pm and most bank holidays
They provide practical advice and emotional support whenever people need them most. They do this through their helpline, online community, a range of employment and child sleep services, community engagement programmes, and more.
Scope's helpline provides free, independent, and impartial advice and support on issues that matter to disabled people and their families.
4 Ivebury Court, 325 Latimer Road, London
Telephone: 0808 800 3333
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Housing Justice
Housing Justice is a registered Christian charity which assists with housing issues and homelessness. It supports night shelters, drop-ins and practical projects nationwide, by providing advice and training for churches and other community groups.
Housing Justice, 17, Oval Way, London
Telephone: Shelter helpline: 0808 800 4444
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Beat (Beating Eating Disorders)
Beat provides information, advice, support, live chat and support groups. It also offers a youth line for under 25's and advice line for parents, teachers, or any other concerned adult. See website for the local services in Surrey.
Wensum House, 103 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, Norfolk
Telephone: Helpline : 0808 801 0677
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Talk ED
Talk ED is a national, peer-led charity supporting anyone affected by any eating disorder or eating distress. They will meet you wherever you are in your journey, with personalised support. They offer a range of support services such as: nutritional coaching, befriending, training and online resources and information.
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia
Educational Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) is a charity for adults and young people affected by homophobia and transphobia. It provides a nationwide Action line and online reporting service for young people experiencing homophobic or transphobic bullying.
Telephone: Helpline : 0808 1000 143
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Family Lives
Family Lives is a charity whose aim is to help support parents and carers to deal with all aspects of family life. It provides this through a 24-hour helpline, extensive advice on its website, live chat services, befriending services, and parenting/relationship support groups.
Family Lives, Broadway House 15-17, The Broadway, Hatfield, Hertfordshire
Telephone: Helpline: 0808 800 2222
Send email to Family Lives Visit website for Family Lives