
There are 1965 results that match your search criteria.

Centre Point

Centre Point is the UK's leading youth homelessness charity, offering advice and support to anyone in England aged 16-25. Young people can call the helpline directly for advice.

They provide accommodation for young people across England. Young people must present to their local council as homeless or at risk of homelessness. If they are accepted, the council will assess them and work out their housing needs. At this point the young person can be referred to Centre Point.

They also work with schools to identify and support young people at risk of homelessness

Centrepoint, Central House, 25, Camperdown Street, London

Telephone: 0800 587 5158

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CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)

CEOP is part of the National Crime Agency and works with other child protection agencies to protect children from harm online and offline. If you are concerned about the way someone has been communicating online, you can make a report to them. They also have a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safer from online child sexual abuse.

Visit website for CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)


Cerebra is a registered charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through research, education and directly supporting children and their carers. They also advise on various topics such as: education, transport, DLA, sleep, toilet training, emotional wellbeing, managing behaviour and understanding your child's condition.

2nd Floor Offices, The Lyric Building, King Street, Carmarthen

Telephone: Freephone : 0800 328 1159, 01267 244200

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CGD Society

The CGD Society supports individuals and families affected by Chronic Granulomatous Disorder. It provides a Telephone and email advice service, UK based nursing support, Bereavment support, Mental Health Support, Cost of living resources and a Family support fund.

CGD Society, PO Box 437, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: 0800 987 8988

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Challengers - How to get what you need for Children with Additional Needs Workshop

Wednesday 12 March 2025 from 10am to 12pm

What are special educational needs? How are your children with SEND supported to get the best possible outcomes? This workshop will help to answer those questions.

St James' Avenue, Farnham, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 961962

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Challengers - Sleep Workshop for Parents of Children with Additional Needs

Wednesday 12 February 2025 from 10am to 12pm

Why do we sometimes find it difficult? A workshop providing strategies to help our children with additional needs get a better nights sleep

Stoke Park, London Road, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 961962

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Challengers - Supporting Parents of Children with Additional Needs who have Anxiety Workshop

Tuesday 4 March 2025 from 10am to 12pm

A workshop for parents/carers aimed at understanding anxiety, what it is, what are the signs and causes and how we can help.

St James' Avenue, Farnham, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 961962

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The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation is a small national family-led charity that supports people with severe learning disability whose behaviour challenges. They work to improve understanding of challenging behaviour, empower families with information and support, and help others to provide better services and more opportunities.

c/o The Old Courthouse, New Road Avenue, Chatham, Kent

Telephone: 0300 666 0126

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CHANGE is a charity led by disabled people which works for the human rights of all people with learning disabilities. It runs campaign, projects, training and research issues that affect the lives of people with learning disabilities.

CHANGE, Unity Business Centre, 26, Roundhay Road, Leeds

Telephone: 0113 244 0606

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Change of Scene

Provides outdoor learning (animal welfare, horticulture, cooking, carpentry etc.) to vulnerable children and young people aged 7-25 years old from Surrey and Hampshire. Most have complex social, emotional, behavioural or learning needs and have either been excluded from school or are struggling to maintain their school place. Referred by schools and SENCOs

Rowledge, Surrey

Telephone: 01252 794960

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