There are 1964 results that match your search criteria.
Albert Kennedy Trust
The Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT) supports LGBTQ+ young people (aged 16-25 years old) who are homeless or living in a hostile environment. They aim to ensure that the young people are able to live in safe homes and employment, education or training in a welcoming and open environment that celebrates LGBTQ+ identities.
48 The Chocolate Studios, 7 Shepherdess Place, London
Telephone: 020 7831 6562
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Albinism Fellowship
The Fellowship is a positive and sociable volunteer-run organisation that aims to provide information, advice and support for people with albinism and their families. We also provide information about the condition to professionals working with people with albinism, and other appropriate interested parties.
PO Box 2535, Ilford
Telephone: 07946 457979
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Alcohol Concern
Alcohol Concern is a charity working to reduce the problems that can be caused by alcohol. Alcohol Concern provides information, advice, and support to people with questions about drinking.
Alcohol Concern, 27, Swinton Street, London
Telephone: 020 3907 8480
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Alcoholics anonymous - Mens feelings group
Thursdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm
A support group focusing on the feelings and emotions that can lead to an addiction to alcohol.
Thursdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Contact the person below to find out more.
Beacon Church, The Beacon, 95, Guildford Street, Chertsey, Surrey
Telephone: 07789684686
ALDAG Supporting people with learning disabilities
ALDAG aims to support all young adults with learning disabilities to ensure they are provided with the opportunities to lead fulfilling lives within their local community. They run various projects, clubs and opportunities for young people with learning disabilities.
Send email to ALDAG Supporting people with learning disabilities Visit website for ALDAG Supporting people with learning disabilities
Alex The Leukodystrophy Charity (Alex TLC)
Established in 2004, Alex TLC provides invaluable support and information to people affected by leukodystrophy.
There are more than 100 different known types of leukodystrophy, including some so rare they only affect one or two individuals.
We are the only charity in the UK that provides support for all those with leukodystrophy.
ALD Life, 45 Peckham High Street, London
Telephone: 020 7701 4388
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Ali McClure - Education and Parenting Consultants
Ali offers workshops and one to one coaching to parents, carers and all who care about children; boys and girls alike. Her courses are run in coffee shops, schools, at business offices, homes and even in her tipi! Her mission is to help you to get the best from your children and to really enjoy watching them learn and grow.
Telephone: 07974 855 971
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Allergy UK
Allergy UK is a national charity dedicated to supporting allergy sufferers in the UK. They provide a dedicated free helpline, support network and online forum for those with an allergy as well as educating health care professionals who work with patients with allergic conditions.
Planwell House, LEFA Business Park, Edgington Way, Sidcup, Kent
Telephone: Helpline : 01322 619898
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Alopecia UK
Alopecia UK is a registered charity for people with all types of alopecia in the UK. It aims to offer information, advice, and support to people of all ages with alopecia.
Alopecia UK, PO Box 341,Baildon, Shipley
Telephone: 0800 101 7025 ( 10am - 4pm Mon- Fri )
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Alstrӧm Syndrome UK
Alstrӧm Syndrome UK is a registered charity which provides support for those affected by Alstrӧm Syndrome, their careers and professionals working with them. It offers support to sufferers and their families by email and phone. It also provides medical screening clinics, research and produces a quarterly newsletter.
4, St. Kitts Close, Torquay
Telephone: Office Telephone : 01803 368871, Mobile : 07970071675
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