
There are 185 results that match your search criteria.


Cry-sis is a national charity that offers a sympathetic ear, practical suggestions, and support to families with excessively crying, sleepless and demanding babies. They also have a free helpline open 7days a week from 9am-10pm.


Telephone: Helpline : 0800 448 0737

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Hypermobility Syndromes Association

Hypermobility Syndromes Association is a registered charity offering both practical support and health and care information to people who have a hypermobility syndrome or those who care for them.

The Hypermobility Syndromes Association provides 1-1 advice, a telephone helpline, a Facebook group, information through their website as well as details of local support groups and residential conferences.

49, Greek Street, Soho, London

Telephone: 03330 116388

Visit website for Hypermobility Syndromes Association

Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC)

APEC is a national charity who aims are to raise public and professional awareness of pre-eclampsia, improve care, and ease or prevent physical and emotional suffering caused by the disease. They provide information and support to members of the public who are affected by pre-eclampsia and support research into finding a cure.

They also have a helpline open Monday to Thursday from 8.30am – 4.00pm.

The Stables, 80 B High Street, Evesham, Worcestershire

Telephone: 01386 761848 (Monday to Thursday from 8.30am – 4.00pm)

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Headlines is a charitable organisation based in the UK which aims to provide support and help to all those affected by Craniosynostosis (both syndromic and non-syndromic) and associated conditions. The charity offers a telephone helpline, along with information on its website and an online forum. It also provides a newsletter and holds family weekends.

They may not always be able to answer your calls immediately, so please leave a message with your name and number or email them, they monitor all our inboxes regularly and try wherever possible to respond within 24 hours.

Headlines Craniofacial Support UK, PO Box 13595, Linlithgow

Telephone: 07541 106816 (Helpline)

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Suzy Lamplugh Trust

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is a charity whose objective is to raise awareness of the importance of personal safety through campaigning, education and helping and supporting people. It provides free safety tips, resources and manages the National Stalking Helpline. Our vision is a society in which people are safer and feel safer from violence and aggression; we want people to be able to live life to the full.

Suzy Lamplugh Trust, The Foundry, 17-19 Oval Way, London

Telephone: Helpline: 0808 802 0300

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25% ME Group

The 25% M.E. Group is a registered charity which supports all who have the severe form of M.E. and those who care for them. The 25% M.E. Group provide Practical and Emotional Support through a telephone helpline, as well producing a twice-yearly newsletter, contact list and a resource library for members.

25% ME Group, 21 Church Street, Troon, Ayrshire

Telephone: 01292 318611

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PSP Association

The PSP Association offers advice, support, and information to people living with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Cortico Basal Degeneration (CBD), along with supporting research into treatments and ultimately a cure for these conditions. The Association provides advisors who act as advocates for people with PSP and offers a confidential Helpline and Information Service which gives advice, information, and support.

167, Watling Street West, Towcester, Northamptonshire

Telephone: Helpline : 0300 0110 122(Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm.)

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The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

CALM is an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK.

CALM offers support to anyone of any age who is down or in crisis via their helpline, livechat, and website.

They also support those bereaved by suicide, through the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP).

Telephone: Helpline : 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight)

Visit website for The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Combat Stress

Combat Stress is a mental health charity supporting Veterans, serving personnel and their families. It offers a 24/7 telephone helpline, community, and outreach support as well as intensive treatment programmes.

Tyrwhitt House, Oaklawn Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: 24, 7 Helpline : 0800 138 1619

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The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust (EPT)

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust is a registered charity which aims to prevent or minimise the deaths and trauma associated with ectopic pregnancy should and seeks to support women and their families. It provides a telephone helpline, as well as offering support by email and through online forums. It also provides information, education and support to medical professionals who treat early pregnancy complications.

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, 483 Green Lanes, London

Telephone: 020 7733 2653 (Call Back Service)

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