
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.

COBSEO (Confederation of Service Charties)

COBSEO (Confederation of Service Charties) provide a single point of contact for interaction with Government, including local government and the Devolved Administrations; with the Royal Household; with the Private Sector; and, of course, with other members of the Armed Forces Community.

This allows Cobseo members to interact with all interested parties and specially to cooperate and collaborate with others to provide the best possible level of support to our beneficiaries.

2nd Floor Mountbarrow House, 6-20 Elizabeth Street, London

Telephone: 0207 811 3200

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Cochlear Implanted Childrens Support Group (CICS Group)

The Cochlear Implanted Childrens Support Group (CICS Group) is run by parents whose children have cochlear implants to help others whose children already have implants and those who are considering cochlear implantation for their child whether unilateral, simultaneous, or sequential bilateral.

CICS Group, PO Box 28843, London

Telephone: South: (Tricia Kemp) 020 8876 8605

Visit website for Cochlear Implanted Childrens Support Group (CICS Group)

Coeliac UK

Coeliac UK is a registered charity which provides support for people with Coeliac disease. It provides independent information as well as carrying out campaigns and research. Coeliac UK offer a range of tools to help individuals manage their diet and keep up to date with the latest developments.

3rd Floor, Apollo Centre, Desborough Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Telephone: Helpline: 0333 332 2033 (Monday to Friday from 10am - 4pm.)

Visit website for Coeliac UK

Colostomy Association

The Colostomy Association is a charity which represents the interests of people with a colostomy. It offers a telephone helpline to talk to patients as well as offering home visits at request. It also produces advisory literature and a quarterly magazine.

Colostomy Association, Enterprise House, 95, London Street, Reading, Berkshire

Telephone: 0800 328 4257 (24-hour free helpline)

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Combat Stress

Combat Stress is a mental health charity supporting Veterans, serving personnel and their families. It offers a 24/7 telephone helpline, community, and outreach support as well as intensive treatment programmes.

Tyrwhitt House, Oaklawn Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: 24, 7 Helpline : 0800 138 1619

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Communication Matters

Communication Matters is a UK wide organisation committed to supporting people of all ages who find communication difficult because they have little or no clear speech.

It provides details of how to find helps, offers resources through its website as well as details on how professionals can receive training.

3rd Floor, University House, University of Leeds, Leeds

Telephone: 0113 343 1533

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Community Cafe - St John's Church Walton

Community Cafe takes place on Thursdays from 9.30 to 12.30. All welcome for chat, support and refreshments.

1, The Furrows, Walton on Thames, Surrey

Telephone: 07921 454506

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Community Connections Surrey

Surrey County Council and the NHS commission third sector organisations to provide services in local communities offering emotional and wellbeing support, including:

  • One to one support
  • Support groups
  • Activities

The community connections services can be accessed by anyone over 16 who wants to receive support for their emotional wellbeing. Services accept self-referrals, GP referrals and referrals from mental health professionals.

Use the website to find your nearest provider of community connections mental health services.

If you would like to contact any of the Lead Providers, please use the information below

Telephone: Catalyst Tel: 01483 590 150, Mary Frances Trust Tel: 01372 375 400, Richmond Fellowship Tel: 01737 771 282

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Community Debt Advice

Community Debt Advice is a charitable organisation which provides free face to face debt advice for people living in the vicinity of Redhill.

3 London Road (above West Central cafe), Redhill

Telephone: 01737 887558

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Community Foundation for Surrey

The Community Foundation for Surrey support local charities, community and voluntary groups in Surrey whose work benefits its communities. They welcome grant applications from both new and established groups and can support most types of community activity depending on the range of funds available. They also have two funds that award grants to support disabled individuals to overcome specific barriers to work and disadvantaged young people in Surrey to gain access to training and employment.

Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 478092

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