There are 1807 results that match your search criteria.
YMCA East Surrey - Boccia Club
Children and adults of all ages with additional needs or disabilities can enjoy the world of the Paralympic sport of Boccia with YMCA East Surrey.
As Boccia is played from a seated position it is an ideal sport for players in wheelchairs but is enjoyed by players of all ages and abilities. Boccia is a social and interactive game where participants can develop their teamwork and hand/eye coordination skills. We do ask that participants are supported throughout the session by a parent or carer.
See website for times and cost.
YMCA East Surrey, Princes Road, Redhill, Surrey
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YMCA East Surrey - Ramblers Wellbeing Walks
Their goal is for everyone to have access to a friendly short group walk, within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active.
YMCA East Surrey, Princes Road, Redhill, Surrey
Telephone: 01737779979
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YMCA Horley Family Centre
Please check on
Family centres support families to find solutions to the parenting and relationships challenges they face and to grow in confidence to manage future difficulties. The aim of the family centres is to help families build their own resilience and self-reliance
The Old Fire Station, Albert Road, Horley, Surrey
Telephone: 01293 775777
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YMCA Sovereign Youth Centre
The YMCA Sovereign Centre in Reigate is a dedicated centre for children and young people. The centre provides excellent facilities which are purpose built, particularly to cater for their expanding services for children and young people with complex needs and disabilities.
Slipshatch Road, Reigate
Telephone: 01737 222 859
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Yo Yos Playgroup
Wednesday 9:15 to 11:15am, term time
Held every Wednesday (during term time) 9.15 to 11.15am in the York Rooms at St John's. A group for babies through to preschool children and their carers. You do not need to be a regular churchgoer, or know much about church to attend. All you need to do is come and enjoy yourself.
Yo Yos is run by a team of volunteers from St John’s and includes free play, tidy-up time, coffee and cake for the adults and finishing with a story and lively time of singing action songs! For this term please bring your own drink and snack for your child / children.
To keep up to date with news about Yo Yos, follow our new Facebook page
Small donation from those who are able.
St John the Evangelist Church, Church Way, Oxted, Surrey
Telephone: 01883 712674
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Yoga by Shen
Shen’s weekly classes are held in a fun and friendly environment for all abilities as alternatives are given. Her classes are based on sound physiotherapy practices. Please email for any questions you may have.
Please visit the website below, for information on when the classes will be taking place.
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Beginners' and intermediate yoga classes, pregnancy yoga, mum and baby yoga and children's yoga.
75 Bell Street, Reigate
Telephone: 01737 911313
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Yorda Adventures - Under 5s Stay and Play
This session has free play with access to all of the Playhouse. They have a range of specialised equipment including: a sunken trampoline, specialised swings, companion bikes, sensory lights, magic mat, soft play, lots of toys and more! As well as free play with access to all of the Playhouse they also run a short, no pressure sensory activity that you can choose to join in with. This could include messy play, painting, water play, or sensory stories!
The Family Projects are exclusively for any family who has a young person with special educational needs and learning disabilities (SEND). You do not need to qualify for our Specialist Childcare to attend these sessions.
A Playworker will be around for a friendly chat, to play and to give you a little extra support throughout the session.
Devon way, (Behind house no.88),, Chessington,
Telephone: 07939 844978
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Young Archaeology Club
The Chertsey Museum Young Archaeologists' Club is open to all those between the ages of 8 and 16 years. Its meets on the third Saturday of the month and explores the world of archaeology through site visits, artefact handling and investigation, art and craft activities.
The Cedars, 33 Windsor Street, Chertsey
Telephone: 01932 565764
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Young Parents Group Woking
Are you a young parent under 21 years old? You’re invited to our free Young Parents Group. Come along to meet other young mums and dads and have some fun. We will provide:
- Craft activities
- Song / Rhyme time
- Outdoor fun
- Refreshments
For further information, visit Register your interest with us on email or call 01483 743812
We also offer support and information to help with parenting and family life. If you travel by bus we will reimburse your fare
Telephone: 01483 743812
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