
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.

Raven Housing Trust - Parashoot

Parashoot is a free support service for residents in the East of Surrey, who need assistance to remain in their own homes. It is available to single people, couples and families from all communities, including people with mental health, alcohol or drug problems.

Parashoot's Housing Support Officers provide support to people through weekly visits and over the phone. The support can last for up to six months. The Parashoot Team provide free support for people living in the Mole Valley, Reigate & Banstead, Tandridge or Epsom & Ewell areas.

The service is jointly run by Raven Housing Trust and Prospect Housing but you do not need to live in one of their homes to get the support.

Raven Housing Trust, Raven House, 29 Linkfield Lane, Redhill

Telephone: Parashoot : 01737 272 500, Raven Housing Trust : 0300 123 3399

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Rays of Sunshine

Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity grants the wishes of children who are living with serious or life-threatening illnesses between the ages of 3-18 who live in the United Kingdom.

Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity, No 1 Olympic Way, Wembley, Middlesex

Telephone: 0208 782 1171

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Reach provides advice for young people who are having a hard time at school. It also lists resources for support that can help you, money and housing, mental health, disability, care experienced, relationships and more to help any young person through tough times at school or college.

If you would like to contact any of the Lead Providers, please use the information below.

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Reach (Upper Limb Differences)

Reach is a registered charity which supports parents, children and young people who are affected by Upper Limb Deficiency. It provides advice and guidance to parents as well as providing a support group run by families who have had similar experiences.

Office No 4, The Library Rooms, 1st Floor,, 59 High Street, Totnes, Devon

Telephone: 0300 365 0078

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Reach Out Counselling

Part of the Catalyst support team, Reach Out Counselling is a Big Lottery funded service throughout Surrey which offers up to 12 weeks of free counselling to people struggling with substance use issues.

40 qualified counsellors across Surrey in 13 unusual places ensuring that it is accessible to as many people as possible.

Drug and alcohol use can have devastating effects on other people. Counselling is also available for friends, family members and partners who need support to cope with living with someone else’s dependence – to help them make decisions and explore choices.

We also offer counselling to people struggling with mental health problems such as stress and anxiety who might also have substance use as an additional problem.

Addiction comes in many forms, and we have successfully trialled the counselling service to include gambling, porn, and retail addictions. Please get in touch to find out more.

14, Jenner Road, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 590150

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REACH Volunteering

REACH finds part-time, expenses only opportunities for experienced managers and professional people of all ages and backgrounds who want to use their skills working as part-time volunteers to help voluntary organisations. This free placement service is available throughout the UK.

89, Albert Embankment, LONDON

Telephone: 0203 925 7721

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React (Rapid Effective Assistance for Children with potentially Terminal illness)

Helping children with life-shortening illnesses, React works to give children comfort, dignity and where possible, greater independence. They supply a wide range of equipment from specialist wheelchairs, beds, baths and mobility aids, to essential everyday homecare items like pushchairs and domestic appliances. This may include educational equipment to ensure a child’s developmental needs are met; React Holidays at one of React’s mobile holiday homes; and, funeral expenses and memorial headstones.

St Luke's House, 270 Sandycombe Road, Kew

Telephone: 020 8940 2575

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Read Easy West Surrey and North East Hampshire

Read Easy provides free, confidential, 1-2-1 coaching to adults who want to learn to read. Adults are paired with a trained volunteer reading coach and meet twice a week (in person, or online) for 30-minute sessions, working through a phonics-based programme.

Telephone: 07810 405519

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Reconstruct Surrey

Reconstruct's Surrey Advocacy Service provides support to children and young people who are in care, care leavers, subject to a Child Protection Plan or have an EHCP. This includes empowering young people to speak up for themselves, explaining decision making and what support is available to them, along with resolving issues and complaints.

Telephone: 0800 0209 858

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Recovery College

Recovery Colleges in Surrey and North East Hampshire are designed to support people in their recovery. They help people improve their health and wellbeing through courses on a range of mental and physical health conditions.

The colleges are a partnership involving voluntary, NHS and local authority organisations, and existing Recovery Colleges.

All courses are run by staff from the partnership organisations and are developed and delivered alongside our recovery coaches who all have lived experience of mental or physical illness, or are supporting someone with a mental or physical illness.

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