
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.

Richmond Fellowship East Surrey Employment Service

If you’re experiencing a common mental health problem such as stress, anxiety, or depression, and are worried about the impact this is having on your job then we can support you to stay in work.

Richmond fellowship 75-79, Guildford Street, Chertsey, Surrey

Telephone: 01932 910942

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Richmond Fellowship Mid Surrey Employment Service

The service supports those who are out of work because of mental health and those who are in work but are experiencing mental health issues. They help individuals by providing confidential, impartial advice and guidance to help people back into paid employment.

Laser House, 2nd Floor, 75-79, Guildford Street, Chertsey, Surrey

Telephone: 01932 910942

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Rights of Women

Rights of Women is a charity for women which works in a number of ways to help women through the law. The charity provides various telephone helplines which offer legal advice as well as publications providing legal information.

52-54, Featherstone Street, London

Telephone: Family Law Helpline - 020 7251 6577, Criminal Law Helpline - 020 7251 8887, Immigration Law Helpline - 020 7490 7689, Sexual Harassment At Work Helpline -020 7490 0152

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Ripley Good Neighbours

Ripley Good Neighbours is a service is for those in the Ripley and Send Marsh area with a Disability, infirmity, family crisis, are elderly or in need.

Ripley Good Neighbours provides transport to medical appointments, shopping, pension collection, hospital visiting, day centres, prescriptions or visiting.

Visit website for Ripley Good Neighbours

Rise Above

A website for teens with videos, games & articles, helping them to explore issues and get advice around mental health, physical changes, body image, relationships, and school

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Riverside - Vaughan House

Based in Guildford, Vaughan House offers supported housing to those who are single, homeless or at risk of homelessness aged 18-65 and have an established local connection to Guildford or a local authority within Surrey.

Residents may have complex support needs, such as substance abuse, mental health issues or offending behaviour. They work to create greater independence and success in employment, education or training.

Riverside Care & Support, 5-7, Chertsey Street, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 504704

Visit website for Riverside - Vaughan House


Road2FASD support and advocate for individuals affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Road2FASD is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those with FASD and their families by using the wealth of lived experiences within the organisation.

Telephone: 07872 591409, 07928 078946

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RoadPeace is a charity working for people bereaved and injured on the roads. They provide information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes, and engage in evidence-based policy and campaigning work to fight for justice for victims and reduce road danger.

Roadpeace, 3rd Floor, 3space International House,, 6 Canterbury Crescent, London

Telephone: Helpline - 0800 160 1069

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Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity provide specialist nurses and family support for seriously ill children in the UK. We focus upon helping those who have the biggest needs, and who aren't being fully supported by anybody else. This might be because they have a serious rare condition, be living in poverty, or not have any family at all.

Family Grants available.

Montague House, 23 Woodside Road, Amersham, Bucks

Visit website for Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity

Roma Support Group

The mission of the Roma Support Group is to improve the quality of life for Roma refugees and migrants by helping them to overcome prejudice, isolation and vulnerability. It is also our objective to make the public aware of Roma culture, heritage and current situation of Roma refugees and migrants in the UK through cultural and informative events and publications.

PO Box 23610, London

Telephone: ​​07949 089778

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