There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.
Samaritans Step By Step
Step by Step is a Samaritans service that provides practical support and guidance to help school and college communities prepare for and recover from a suspected or attempted suicide. The service is run by a team of trained volunteers, called Postvention Advisors, who can offer practical support, guidance, and information.
Telephone: 0808 168 2528
Visit website for Samaritans Step By Step
SANE is a mental health charity which aims to improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness. SANE offers emotional support through a helpline, forum, and text service. It also provides a virtual community to the young as well as campaigns aimed at raising awareness and reducing stigma around mental health.
SANEline is open between 4pm to 10pm, 365 days a year
Call 0300 304 7000
Telephone: Helpline - 0300 304 7000 (4pm-10pm 365 days a year)
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Sash- East Surrey Hospital Community Fridge
The community Fridge is open to everyone in the community, providing an opportunity for individuals and families to access fresh, nutritious food items that might otherwise go to waste.
Anyone can visit the Community Fridge and take items for themselves and their families. The principle is simple: take what you need and leave enough for others. The fridge is located at the East Entrance at East Surrey Hospital, opposite the multi-faith centre and is accessible 24/7. Contributions are welcomed.
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey
Telephone: 07966 235171
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Save the Children
Save the Children works all over the world ensuring that children get proper healthcare, food, education and protection. They save lives in emergencies such as natural disasters, campaign for children's rights and improve their long term future through development work.
1, St. John's Lane, London
Telephone: 020 7012 6400 ( lines open 9-6, Monday to Friday )
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Saxon Family Centre (Satellite)
Family Centre’s bring together a wide range of services and support families with children aged 0-11 years with the aim of enhancing family life. These are provided by a range of services that Parents/Grandparents/ Carers can access from one-to-one support to support to help families feel less anxious about the future and better equipped to help their child/children when times are hard.
Briar Road, Shepperton, Spelthorne, Middlesex
Telephone: 01784 424759
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Saying Goodbye Project
The project supports children and young people who have been bereaved of someone close and who live or study in the borough of Kingston upon Thames.
Services include: one to one bereavement counselling, information and advice for families and consultancy for professionals working with children and young people.
Welcare House, 53-55, Canbury Park Road, Kingston Upon Thames
Telephone: 020 8547 1552
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Scampps in Surrey
SCAMPPS in Surrey is a registered charity that supports young children who have moderate to severe complex special needs living in Surrey. It has been set up by a group of parents who themselves have young children with special needs.
SCAMPPS in Surrey, PO Box 503, Epsom, Surrey
Telephone: 07596 666 646
Visit website for Scampps in Surrey
SCARD (Support and Care After Road Death and Injury)
SCARD provide emotional and practical support to those impacted by road death and injury. The support they offer includes a telephone helpline, support groups and counselling.
Office 5, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
Telephone: Helpline : 0345 1235542
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School Nurses
The School Nursing team works across Surrey to promote physical health and emotional wellbeing in schools and in the community. This includes issues such as sexual health, illnesses, healthy eating, exam stress and bullying.
Across Surrey, the School Nursing team also offer a text service called Chat health a confidential school nurse messaging service for young people aged 11-19. Young people can contact their school nurse in confidence by text. Young people can also call the advice line to contact a school nurse.
Telephone: Chat Health text: 07507 329 951, Advice Line is: 01883 340 922
Visit website for School Nurses
School-Home Support (SHS)
SHS work with schools, local authorities and other children's settings to provide personalised support to children and families, tackling the underlying barriers to a successful education to help improve the life chances of children.
School Home Support Uk, Solar House 1-9, Romford Road, London
Telephone: 0845 337 0850
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