There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.
SENsational Tutors
SENsational private tutors specialise in helping children and young adults with:
ASC (autism), anxiety, PDA, ADD/ADHD, SEMH, dyslexia, trauma and other Special Education Needs (SEN) & Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
Telephone: 02036335563
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Their free support helps children who are deafblind or who have complex disabilities access education, playgroups and holidays, so they have the same life experiences as everyone else.
Sense International, 101, Pentonville Road, London
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Sense Virtual Buddying Project
Sense are running a Virtual Buddying project is open to anyone with a disability aged 5 years and over that may be experiencing isolation or loneliness. The project works by matching a disabled person with a virtual buddy for a weekly call online or over the phone. Some matches choose to keep their calls to a social chat whilst others like to build skills together such as cooking and playing instruments. Virtual Buddying helps reduce isolation, improves self-esteem and confidence, helps improve communication, social and independent living skills and gives all our buddies something to look forward to every week!
Visit website for Sense Virtual Buddying Project
Sensory Stay and Play Session at Hale Family Centre
Tuesday Mornings from 9:30-11am
A weekly stay and play session for children with additional needs and the adults that care for them. Sensory activities, song time, bubbles, refreshments and a chance to chat to other parent/carers. Support available from the Early Support and Family Centre Team, plus advice from other visiting professionals. Siblings are welcome.
Sessions take place weekly on a Tuesday from 9:30am to 11am.
Upper Hale Road, Farnham
Telephone: 01483 417157
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Separated Dads
Help, advice and support for separated fathers. The Separated Dads forum allows fathers to ask each other questions and to engage in discussions about fatherhood after separation.
Visit website for Separated Dads
SES Water
If you're having difficulty paying your bill, the sooner you tell us the better. We can't cancel the bill, but we may be able to suggest more manageable payment options.
Priority services – Tailored support for customers who may have long or short term health, access or communication needs. Find out more and register online – or register someone else if they’re not online.
Water support – 50% bill reduction for low income households.
Breathing Space – Pause payments if you need help getting back on your feet.
WaterSure – A capped tariff for metered customers so you pay whichever bill is lower – your actual usage, or an average household bill.
Water direct – Arrange for your payments to be deducted directly from your benefits so you never have to remember to pay a bill.
Complete our five minute form on our website to see what support you could be eligible for!
London Road, Redhill, Surrey
Telephone: 01737 785606
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Shah Jahan Mosque
The Shah Jahan Mosque in Woking acts as a place of worship, as well as providing educational and wedding services.
Contact via online form on website
Shah Jahan Mosque, 149, Oriental Road, Woking, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 760679
Visit website for Shah Jahan Mosque
Shared Lives
Shared Lives is a national scheme that offers a unique and community-based model of care and support. They run Shared Lives in Surrey and the surrounding area. Shared Lives Carers open their home, family and community life to sharing it with an adult in need of support. An arrangement can be long term where customers live with a Carer, stay for a short break or have day support.
Fernleigh Day Centre, Fernleigh Close, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 806806
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Shaw Trust
Shaw Trust is a national charity that helps people facing disadvantage into work, gain skills and take control of their futures. It provides work programmes and specialist employment support schemes and helps people gain skills and into work.
Shaw House, Third Flor, 10 Victoria Street, Bristol
Telephone: 0300 30 33 111
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Shelter is a registered charity which offers support to those with housing problems or who are homeless or facing homelessness. It provides free confidential housing advice and support online, in person and by phone.
Shelter also campaigns to improve circumstances where people may find themselves with a housing difficulty as well as offering training to those people working in the housing sector.
88, Old Street, London
Telephone: 0808 800 4444 (free helpline)