
There are 1965 results that match your search criteria.

Surrey Independent Living Charity (SILC) Training

SILC offer a range of specialist training for Personal Care Assistants including:

  • Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Health and Safety
  • Moving and Handling (bespoke)
  • Dementia awareness
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder awareness and training
  • Infection Prevention and Control

Surrey Independent Living Charity, Astolat, Coniers Way, Burpham, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 458111

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Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership

Surrey Lifelong Learning Partnership is a registered charity with the mission to work with partners to ensure that those who have missed out on learning in the past, have opportunities to learn and to reach their full potential. Our partners include representatives of learning providers, local voluntary and community organisations and planning/funding bodies.

The service support's:

  • Those living within disadvantaged communities in Surrey and surrounding areas.
  • Adults (19+) of all ages who wish to develop new skills to gain employment, to improve their health or well-being, or to develop new interests.
  • Young people aged 14-19 where these are not already being catered for.

211, Lansbury Estate, 102 Lower Guildford Road, Knaphill

Telephone: Contact via online form on website

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Surrey Local Offer

The Local Offer is a range of services and provisions available to children and young people up to age 25 with special educational needs or disability (SEND). All local authorities are required to publish their Local Offer so that young people and their families can engage with services that benefit them.

The Local Offer includes an enquiry service, which you can contact by phone, email, or online contact form.

Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: 0300 200 1015 (ask for the Local Offer team)

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Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF)

SMEF is a registered charity with a company status working with multi ethnic communities. Its ethos is to engage, educate and empower local people to find solutions to the common economic and social challenges they face living in Britain today.

Astolat, Coniers Way, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 571 781

Visit website for Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF)

Surrey Mummy

Surrey Mummy is an online community providing a range of information that’s specifically for families including helpful advice, guides to activities, events, groups, and other activities happening across Surrey.

Visit website for Surrey Mummy

Surrey Online School (SOS)

Surrey Online School (SOS) provides a mix of education technology including live online lessons to a range of pupils up to the age of 25 across the county. It aims to make the best teaching available to all students in Surrey, irrespective of background or location. SOS provide these lessons to a wide range of pupils including those who are out of school due to medical needs, within alternative provision services (including Access to Education), Special Educational Needs, Looked After Children, school refusers and those at risk of permanent exclusion.

Surrey County Council, The Quadrant, 35, Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey

Telephone: 01483 519 800

Visit website for Surrey Online School (SOS)

Surrey Pharmacy Needle Exchange Scheme

Free and confidential service provided by 61 pharmacies throughout Surrey. Injecting drug users can obtain sterile needle, syringe packs, and return used equipment for disposal. Offers individuals health advice and a gateway to other specialist services.

Visit website for Surrey Pharmacy Needle Exchange Scheme

Surrey Police Advice

Free police advice and information page on a range of crimes to help you to have a better understanding of the law.

Visit website for Surrey Police Advice

Surrey Police Pegasus Scheme

Our Pegasus scheme is for people who live in the local area who find it hard to communicate with the police due to a disability of illness in an emergency or difficult situation . They keep your pre-registered information safe to access quickly if you call. You don't need to repeat all your details.

Registration is free.

Pegasus Contact Management Administration, Surrey Police, PO Box 101, Guildford

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Surrey Police Website

The Surrey Police website offers information about your local officer, the latest crime statistics and advice. It also allows individuals to report incidents online and offers advice for victims of crime.

Telephone: 999 (emergency), 101 (non-emergency)

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