There are 1807 results that match your search criteria.
St Hugh of Lincoln Catholic Church
St Hugh of Lincoln Church is a Roman Catholic Community in Knaphill.
The Church offers a wide range of activities, both sacramental and social, including Baptism and First Holy Communion, Justice and Peace, Care Group, Prayer Groups and Young People's Groups.
St Hugh's works together with other churches locally on projects such as the Kings House Coffee Shop in Knaphill.
95 Victoria Road, Knaphill, Woking
Telephone: 01483 472404
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St John Ambulance
St John Ambulance is a first aid charity, providing training programmes and offering volunteers to give first aid in their communities.
Online enquiry form available through website
St. John Ambulance, St. John House, 5, Broadfield Close, Sheffield
Telephone: 0370 0104 950
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St John The Evangelist Church
St John The Evangelist Church provides daily worship and regular services to the community of North Holmwood. It also holds activities including home group, knitting, toddler group and Mother’s union.
North Holmwood Vicarage, Willow Green, North Holmwood
Telephone: 01306 882135
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St John's Church - West Byfleet
St John's Church is based in West Byfleet and along with worship offers many activities for children and adults. The congregation includes people of all ages and backgrounds who enjoy meeting for worship and socialising afterwards.
St. Johns Church, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, Surrey
Telephone: 01932851830
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St John's Church Woking
St John's is a large and friendly Anglican, evangelical church. We are relaxed, homely, and we laugh a lot! We meet in the parish church in the middle of St John's and Emmanuel Church in Mayford.
Church Road, St. Johns, Woking, Surrey
Telephone: 01483377477
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St John's Parish Church
St John's is the Anglican Parish Church of Farncombe, along with worship it provides a Toddler Group for children aged 0-5.
St John's Street, Farncombe, Godalming
Telephone: 01483 426353
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St John's Playtime
Fridays term time, 9:30 to 11:15am
Playtime is a volunteer-run playgroup for under-5s and their carers. Its aim is to provide a welcoming and safe environment for children and adults alike, offering a range of play equipment and toys, as well as drinks and biscuits for children and tea/coffee for carers. It runs term time from 9:30am to 11:15am.
St John's Church, Manor Farm Lane, Egham
Telephone: 01784 605400
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St Joseph's Baby & Toddler Group
Mondays 10 to 11:30am
Each session will cost £1.50 for each adult and up to 2 children and includes free play on all the toys and equipment, a craft activity when possible and a tea/coffee and a biscuit for the adult attending. Please bring cash with you.
For parents and guardians to get to know others in the parish and for their 0-4 year olds, to play and have fun together.
Session starts at 10 am. There will be free play on all toys/equipment from the start and a craft activity when possible. Tidy up and singing takes place at 11.15 am where all are encouraged to help, before the end of the session at 11.30 am.
St Joseph's Church Hall, 12 Eastgate Gardens, Guildford, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 562 704
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St Mark's Community Church and Centre
St Mark's Church is an Anglican church serving the Parish of Godalming. The Centre welcomes many different groups who regularly use its space for activities.
St. Marks Church, Franklyn Road, Godalming, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 418741
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St Mary the Virgin Church Horsell
St Mary the Virgin Church is the parish church of Horsell. We have a number of events like Friday Pop-In coffee and our Baby and Toddler Groups which are very easy just to drop into.
The Vicarage, Wilson Way, Woking, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 772134
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