
There are 728 results that match your search criteria.

Surrey Heath Borough Council

Surrey Heath Borough Council provides assistance to its residents with Housing, Benefits, payment of taxes, Budgets and finance, Community support and Careers.

Surrey Heath House, Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey

Telephone: 01276 707100

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Surrey Local Offer

The Local Offer is a range of services and provisions available to children and young people up to age 25 with special educational needs or disability (SEND). All local authorities are required to publish their Local Offer so that young people and their families can engage with services that benefit them.

The Local Offer includes an enquiry service, which you can contact by phone, email, or online contact form.

Fairmount House, Bull Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: 0300 200 1015 (ask for the Local Offer team)

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Surrey Pharmacy Needle Exchange Scheme

Free and confidential service provided by 61 pharmacies throughout Surrey. Injecting drug users can obtain sterile needle, syringe packs, and return used equipment for disposal. Offers individuals health advice and a gateway to other specialist services.

Visit website for Surrey Pharmacy Needle Exchange Scheme

Surrey Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) - Specialist

Surrey provides a school-based speech and language therapy service. All schools have a link therapist to liaise and discuss the needs of the school and its pupils with the school SENCO on a regular basis.

A few children may need specialist involvement from the speech and language therapy team to provide ongoing monitoring and direct intervention of children and young people with speech, language, and communication needs.

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Surrey Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) - Universal

Surrey County Council provides a school-based speech and language therapy service. All schools have a link therapist to liaise and discuss the needs of the school and its pupils with the school SENCO on a regular basis.

Universal services support speech, language and communication skills of all children and young people in schools. The speech and language therapy team can give advice and/or signposting around training and classroom strategies to the SENCO to support the development of the school’s local offer regarding communication and interaction.

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The Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service

Lucy Rayner Foundation specialises in bereavement services that provide practical support and advice for families bereaved by suicide.

The Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service gives families in the Surrey area affected by suicide short, medium and long-term support to help them come to terms with their loss. The entire team has lived experience of suicide bereavement so can approach your situation with an un-learnable level of empathy and understanding. The support is tailored to each family’s unique circumstances. They will be a listening ear if this is what you require and are always happy to come and visit you in the comfort of your own home.


Telephone: 01737 910 907

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Surrey’s Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Boards

Surrey’s Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Boards are working together, so that people with a learning disability and/or autism can have a voice, be safe, be informed about subjects that affect daily life and plans, remain healthy and confident to be part of their community.

Telephone: 07929863582

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Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)

They are the only UK-based organisation offering peer-led support to adults impacted by suicide loss. They help individuals support each other, at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow. They aim to provide safe, confidential environments where people can share their experiences and feelings, giving and gaining support from each other.

Telephone: Helpline : 0300 111 5065 ( open 9am to 9pm Monday to Sunday )

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Survivors UK

Survivors UK provide a National Helpline, Independent Sexual Violence Advisor Services, Counselling and Group Work for young men and adult men who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in their lives.

Survivors Uk, 11, Sovereign Close, London

Telephone: Online Helpline (Mon-Sun 12pm-8pm), SMS Helpline: 020 3322 1860

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Sutton, Epsom and District NCT

NCT Sutton, Epsom and district welcomes every new parent. Our local groups, activities and events are run by volunteers. We help forge friendships and raise money for all of NCT's work, locally and nationally.

Sutton, Epsom and District is a busy and thriving branch with lots going on!

Telephone: 0300 330 0700

Visit website for Sutton, Epsom and District NCT