There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.
Matrix Community Advocacy Service
Matrix provides a range of non-instructed advocacy services across Surrey. This includes advocating for older people with mental health problems and dementia-type illnesses, as well as people with autism and other learning disabilities.
Windmill House, Guildford Road, Chertsey, Surrey
Telephone: 0300 199 0301
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The Matrix Trust
The Matrix Trust is a Christian charity which aims to connect churches, projects and youth workers with young people in the Guildford area.
The team work with schools, as an integral part of the pastoral system, they provide professional Mental Health First Aid trained Youth Workers to walk alongside young people in their life’s journey. Some of this is preventative, but much is responding to the growing level of emotional well being and mental health needs amongst young people.
In the community they create safe spaces where young people can make and meet friends and access a wide range of opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach, through workshops, work experience, activities, 1:1 school based sessions, and traineeships.
The Matrix Trust, Allen House Pavilion, Eastgate Gardens, Guildford, Surrey
Telephone: 01483 574900
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The Matthew Hackney Foundation
The Matthew Hackney Foundation aims to help children and young people with their mental well-being and resilience, so they have the best possible chances to be the strong, resilient, independent, and thriving adults that they and our society deserves.
We are proud to provide counselling for children and young people who wouldn't normally have a chance to access help. We work with friendly, approachable, fully qualified counsellors to ensure support is available within familiar surroundings as soon as possible.
12, Mowbray Avenue, Byfleet, West Byfleet, Surrey
Telephone: 07876 798137
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Matthews Friends
They provide information, support, education, and training on the use of the Ketogenic Diet as a treatment for drug resistant epilepsy in children.
St.Piers Lane, Lingfield, Surrey
Visit website for Matthews Friends
Max Appeal!
Max Appeal! is a registered charity supporting families affected by DiGeorge Syndrome, VCFS and 22q11.2 deletion? they run events for people of all ages to share experiences, develop and learn. Provide information, resources and provide support to families and individuals to empower them. Their support research to expand knowledge of the condition.
Make it possible for families to talk informally and get together.
Registered Office:, 15 Meriden Avenue, Wollaston, Stourbridge, West Midlands
Telephone: Helpline: 0300 999 2211
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Max Card
The Max Card is a free card designed to make days out more financially accessible for foster families and families of children with additional needs. It allows eligible families to access various activities around the country at a discounted rate. Applications in Surrey can be made through the Surrey Short Breaks team.
Surrey Short Breaks for Disabled Children - Surrey County Council (
Telephone: 01133 947951
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The Maybury Centre
The Maybury Centre is a multi cultural centre which provides facilities for social and business events, education, health, welfare and general recreation for the people of Woking.
27 Board School Road, Woking
Telephone: 01483 776877
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The Mayor of Guildford's Distress Fund
The Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund helps people facing financial problems.
You can apply for a grant from the Mayor of Guildford's Local Support Fund if you live in the borough, and you have been referred to them.
The largest grant that can be given is up to £250. You can only make one application within a calendar year. Referrals can come from many places including:a Guildford Borough Council officer, a Councillor, Citizens Advice, social services, health visitor, doctor or school.
Guilford Borough Council, Millmead House, Guildford
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ME Association
The ME Association supports those affected by ME as well as funding research and providing education and training. They have a telephone helpline, local support groups and free resources.
Borough/District: Buckinghamshire
Telephone: 0344 576 5326 (Helpline)
Visit website for ME Association
The ME Association
Monday-Friday 10am-2pm
The ME Association supports people with ME/CFS through all stages of their illness.
We provide information, support and practical advice for people, families and carers affected by M.E. (Myalgic Encephalopathy), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS). We also fund and support research and offer education and training.
The ME Association,, 7 Apollo Office Court,, Radclive Road,, Gawcott,, Bucks,
Telephone: 0344 576 5326
Visit website for The ME Association