
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.

Fibromyalgia Action UK

Volunteers run the association, most of whom have fibromyalgia. They aim to make people aware of the condition and support those with fibromyalgia through contact with local support groups and a national helpline.

Studio 3006, MileEnd Mill, 12 Seedhill Road, Paisley

Telephone: 0300 999 3333 (10am - 4pm Mon - Fri)

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Field Lane

Field Lane is a charity providing care and support for a diverse range of service users, including adults with learning disabilities, vulnerable families – many of who are homeless – and people in need of additional support to stay in their own home or with their families.

Primarily based in London and the southeast, we have supported living projects in Essex, Surrey and Sussex, and through our subsidiary, FUN, in Suffolk. Our residential centre for vulnerable families is in southwest London.

85, Buckingham Gate, London

Telephone: 020 7748 0303

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Fight for Sight

They fund ground-breaking research and empower people with sight loss to live their lives as equal citizens. They aim to build a better world for blind and partially sighted people.

Fight for Sight, 18 Mansell Street, London

Telephone: 020 7264 3900

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Financial and Wellbeing Support Service - Epsom and Ewell

Mary Francis Trust have set up a free Financial and Wellbeing Support Service in Epsom & Ewell which combines their specialist mental health support with expert benefits and money advice from Citizens Advice Epsom & Ewell (CAEE).

They offer a range of face to face, telephone or online appointments, the service is available to anyone over 18 and living in Epsom and Ewell that are in need of both money advice and wellbeing support.

23 The Crescent, Leatherhead

Telephone: 07380 567708

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Financial Wellbeing Support Service - Surrey Heath

A free new Financial and Wellbeing Support Service in Surrey Heath combines expert benefits and money advice from Citizens Advice (Surrey Heath) and specialist wellbeing support from mental health charity Catalyst to support you at this difficult time. They're here to assist anyone aged 18+ in Surrey Heath facing financial difficulties and wellbeing challenges.

Surrey Heath House, Camberley, Surrey

Telephone: 07917855428

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Firewise Scheme at Surrey Fire and Rescue Service

Firewise is a scheme run by Surrey Fire and Rescue Service to address firesetting behaviour in children & young people under 18. Trained Firewise Advisors visit a child/young person, usually at home or school, to help them learn the dangers of fire and potential consequences.

Anyone worried about a child or young person who is playing with fire can ask for advice or make a referral to the Firewise Scheme, including parents, carers, schools, police, social services, youth support and other professionals.

Telephone: 0800 456 1095

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First 4 Adoption

First4Adoption is the national information service for people interested in adopting a child in England. We give clear and impartial information about adopting and can put you in touch with adoption agencies in your area.

Telephone: Online enquiry form available through website

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First Steps Forward Specialist Autism Coach, Counsellor & Training Provider

Work hours are 0800 to 2100 All week

First Steps Forward support children, adults, families, schools/colleges and social services to help those with or without a diagnosis of Autism. They work in co-production with the family offering parenting support through positive behavioural strategies based on a personalised assessment.

Telephone: 07853 431 363

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First Steps Surrey

The First Steps advice and support guide is for anyone aged 18 years or above who is looking to take the first steps to improve mental well-being for themselves, their friends or family members. However, there is a chapter with some information for young people.

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First Steps Surrey Child Contact Centre

Our unique Children's Contact Centre in Egham provides a neutral, safe and comfortable environment for children and their parent/family members to meet where relationships have broken down and communication is difficult. With our bright and airy Alice in Wonderland themed room, we provide supported and supervised contact sessions to sustain and build positive relationships between children and parents.

Literary Institute, 51, High Street, Egham, Surrey

Telephone: 07516671200

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