There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.
Fredericks Foundation Surrey
Fredericks is a Responsible Finance Provider that provides loans to people who want to set up a new business or maintain or expand an existing business. Fredericks is open to anyone who has a viable business proposition, but cannot obtain mainstream finance.
Fredericks House, 39 Guildford Road, Lightwater
Telephone: Online enquiry form available through website
Visit website for Fredericks Foundation Surrey
Free Cakes for Kids: Cobham
Free Cakes for Kids is a free, friendly and confidential service. They are a community organisation of volunteer bakers, providing free birthday cakes to families in Elmbridge Borough, who find it difficult to provide a cake for their child.
Cobham, Surrey
Telephone: 07305 315118
Send email to Free Cakes for Kids: Cobham Visit website for Free Cakes for Kids: Cobham
Free Cakes for Kids: Tandridge
Always open
A community organisation of volunteer bakers, providing free birthday cakes to local families, who find it difficult to provide a cake for their child. They take formal referrals from charities and support agencies such as Social Services/Family Support and Food Banks. Free Cakes for Kids is a free, friendly and confidential service.
Tandridge, Surrey
Send email to Free Cakes for Kids: Tandridge Visit website for Free Cakes for Kids: Tandridge
Freedom from Torture
Freedom from Torture provides support to adults, young people and children who have survived torture and organised violence. They offer a range of services such as therapy, advice and support.
111 Isledon Road, London
Telephone: 020 7697 7777
Visit website for Freedom from Torture
The Freedom Programme
The Freedom Programme is a course for survivors of domestic abuse, which helps people to make sense of what has happened to them. It explores the beliefs and attitudes surrounding domestic abuse and also considers how children are affected by witnessing abuse.
The course is run by domestic abuse support agencies across Surrey or can be taken online. It is suitable for women and men and course materials are available.
Check online to find out where your nearest course is being held.
Telephone: Helpline : 0808 2000 247, Freedom Programme Helpline : 01942 262 270
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The Freedom Programme - 11 week courses
The Freedom Programme is an 11 week course and examines the roles played by attitudes and beliefs on the actions of abusive men and the responses of victims and survivors. The aim is to help them to make sense of and understand what has happened to them. The Freedom Programme also describes in detail how children are affected by being exposed to this kind of abuse and very importantly how their lives are improved when the abuse is removed.
Programmes are ongoing. Please ring for details of your nearest course: 01942 262 270
Telephone: 01942 262 270
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Friends Families and Travellers (fft)
Friends, Families and Travellers work to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. They support individuals and families with the issues that matter most to them, at the same time as working to transform systems and institutions to address the root causes of inequalities faced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people.
Friends Families & Travellers, Community Base, 113, Queens Road, Brighton
Telephone: 01273 234 777
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The Friends of St Dunstan's School
The Friends of St Dunstan's School is an association of parents and teachers at the school. It organises lots of social activities throughout the year, raising funds which are used to enhance the children's school experience.
St Dunstans Catholic Primary School, Onslow Crescent, Woking
Telephone: 01483 715190
Send email to The Friends of St Dunstan's School Visit website for The Friends of St Dunstan's School
Frimley Green Library
The library is open various days in the week, as well as library facilities they offer a range of events and groups. For more information go to the website.
Beech Road, Frimley Green, Camberley
Telephone: 0300 200 1001
Send email to Frimley Green Library Visit website for Frimley Green Library
Frimley Healthier Together
Local advice and support to help manage and improve the health and wellbeing of babies, children and young people.
Visit website for Frimley Healthier Together