
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.

Heads Together Counselling - Oxted

Heads Together provides free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11-24 in East Surrey, they work in partnership with Mindworks Surrey. They can offer face-to-face, video or telephone counselling sessions to suit you. The counselling is available at various locations, full details are available on their website.

Oxted United Reformed Church, 21 Bluehouse Lane, Oxted

Telephone: 01737 378481

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Heads Together Counselling - Redhill

Heads Together provides free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11-24 in East Surrey, they work in partnership with Mindworks Surrey. They can offer face-to-face, video or telephone counselling sessions to suit you. The counselling is available at various locations, full details are available on their website.

YYMCA, 68 Brighton Road, Redhill, Surrey

Telephone: 01737 378481

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Heads Together Counselling - Reigate

Heads Together provides free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11-24 in East Surrey, they work in partnership with Mindworks Surrey. They can offer face-to-face, video or telephone counselling sessions to suit you. The counselling is available at various locations, full details are available on their website.

YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate

Telephone: 01737 378481

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Heads Together Counselling - Tadworth

Heads Together provides free and confidential counselling to young people aged 11-24 in East Surrey, they work in partnership with Mindworks Surrey. They can offer face-to-face, video or telephone counselling sessions to suit you. The counselling is available at various locations, full details are available on their website.

Preston Manor Road, Tadworth, Surrey

Telephone: 01737 378481

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Headspace App

Headspace use evidence-based meditation and mindfulness tools, mental health coaching, therapy, psychiatry to help you create life-changing habits to support your mental health.

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Headway Surrey

Headway Surrey supports those with acquired and traumatic brain injury and their families. Offering a range of specialist services from the base in Guildford and online. They also provide support and advice to families and carers and training and information for local professionals

New Headway House Day Centre, 21, North Road, Guildford, Surrey

Telephone: Helpline : 01483 454433 ( Monday-Friday 09:00 - 16:00 )

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Healios is a digital provider of mental health, autism and ADHD services for children and young people aged 25 and under. It aims to provide online assessment and support through interactive video sessions to children and young people.

Telephone: 0330 124 4222

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Health and Wellbeing Service

Health and wellbeing coaching helps support individuals take pro-active steps to improve the way you manage you physical and mental health conditions, based on what matter to you. This free service is available to adults 18 and over, who are registered with a Surrey Heath & Ash Vale GP Practice.

Health and Wellbeing Coaches aim to:

• Help you identify what lifestyle choices are important to you.

• Guide you towards improvements in your physical and mental wellbeing.

• Help you to set goals and personal health targets.

• Provide up to 6 one to one sessions usually over 3 months, aimed at motivating you towards healthy behavioural changes. Most people know what they need to do to improve their health and wellbeing but they lack the motivation or feel stuck. This is where the health coach can help, by increasing motivation and introducing healthy behaviour changes. What goals do we work with?

• Weight Management

• Healthier Eating

• Becoming More Active

• Reducing Alcohol Consumption

• Mild Mental Health Concerns

• Low Mood and Isolation

• Stress Management

What to expect from health coaching?

Sessions will take place online or via the telephone for around half an hour. You can expect to identify what matters to you and what you would like to focus on. You will decide on your goals and aims throughout the sessions. With your coach, you will discuss the challenges and barriers you might face. The coach will help motivate you and support you in making healthy behaviour changes.

If you require further information, please contact the team on

Telephone: 0300 5610187

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Health Visitors

Health visitors are Registered Nurses who have completed additional specialist training. They work as part of local ‘0-19’ nursing teams, who work with children and young people up to 19 years (up to 25 for young people with additional needs) and their families.

If at any time you have any queries concerning your child’s progress or would like to talk to a health professional, please contact our Advice Line for support, information, and advice on parenting and infant feeding.

Telephone: Advice Line: 01883 340 922

Visit website for Health Visitors

Healthwatch Surrey

Healthwatch Surrey is an independent organisation that gives the people of Surrey a voice to improve and shape services and help them get the best out of NHS, health and social care services.

Telephone: 0303 303 0023

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