
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.


At learndirect, a skilled, experienced workforce can dramatically improve bottom line performance.The team have helped millions of people like you gain new skills and transform their lives. Some want to improve their skills to get a job or get a better job, others want to be able to help their children at school or to use the internet and enter the digital world.

As one of the largest integrated providers of courses and qualifications, training, and employment services in the UK, the team deliver the products, services and dedicated support your company needs to successfully recruit, train and nurture the best staff.

Telephone: 01202006464

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The LearnEnglish website offers hundreds of free resources including video, audio and interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises to help you learn English for free.

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LearnEnglish Kids

LearnEnglish Kids is a website to help children learn English, for free. There are lots of free online games, songs, stories and activities for children. For parents, there are articles on supporting children in learning English, videos on using English at home and information about face-to-face courses around the world.

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LearnEnglish Teens

LearnEnglish Teens can help improve English with reading, writing and listening practice, tips for exams, grammar and vocabulary exercises, games and videos. You can also interact with other teenagers from all around the world.

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Learning for Life - Online SEN Resource

Learning for Life focuses on the Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum. Current resources explore Growing Up and Keeping Safe, Emotions, Puberty, and Caring Friendships. These FREE resources are created with specialist teachers and speech and language therapists, for young people with Down’s syndrome and other SEN.

39-48, Marsham Street, Maidstone, Kent

Telephone: 0300 102 4553

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Learning Space

Learning Space is a children’s emotional well-being and mental health charity that provides individual and group support for 5 – 18 years olds in Surrey. They offer a range of support services such as: 1:1 support, groups, community wellbeing as well as help for parents and professionals.

3, Mill Street, Redhill, Surrey

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Leatherhead Citizens Advice

The Citizens Advice provides the advice on benefits, work, debt, and money as well as consumer rights, relationship, and Housing matters. It offers information and advice through face-to-face appointments at local offices, phone, email, and online services.

The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey

Telephone: Advice Line: 0808 278 7930

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Leatherhead Foodbank

Our foodbank was founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area. We’re a local foodbank that’s part of the Trussell Trust national network of foodbanks.

We provide emergency food, support and advice to people and families who are experiencing severe financial hardship.

In order to provide the most appropriate help for the circumstances of your situation we work with local agencies. If they feel you are struggling to put food on the table, they will issue you with a foodbank voucher. The local agency can also provide long term support if needed to help address some of the issues behind the reasons for your crisis.

Our foodbank works with a number of different agencies, such as Citizens Advice, children’s centres and health visitors. To find out more about the agencies that hold our vouchers and how you can get help, please contact us.

North Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, Leatherhead

Telephone: 0208 786 8221

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Leatherhead Library

Surrey County Council library

The Mansion, Church Street, Leatherhead

Telephone: 0345 600 9009

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Leatherhead Methodist Church

A growing inclusive church made up of people from all walks of life and from different backgrounds and cultures. The Church enjoys being a diverse community all sharing in a common goal of making Jesus Christ known in its community. The live services are held each week at 10:30am. The Church holds a Discoverer’s session designed for children and young people. They start their worship in the congregation, then go into their own session for the rest of the period.

Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

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