
There are 1966 results that match your search criteria.


LifeSIGNS (Self-Injury Guidance & Network Support) is an online, user-led voluntary organisation, creating an understanding about self-injury and providing information and support to people of all ages affected by it.

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LifeWorks Inclusive Activities

LifeWorks offers a mix of social and structured inclusive activities for young adults aged 16+ with disabilities. The sessions enable structure and continued learning of life skills for young people with a range of abilities. They run run from Monday to Friday during term-time and feature a special programme during school holidays.

YMCA Sovereign Centre, Slipshatch Road, Reigate

Telephone: 01737 222859

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Lifted is dedicated to providing live in care as an alternative to residential care homes for a range of ages, they also offer respite care. Their supportive, friendly and experienced carers help your loved ones regain their confidence and retain independence at home, while providing a helping hand when they need it. They offer a FREE care assessment with our qualified social workers.

Borough/District: City of London

Telephone: 020 4516 6004

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The Lighthouse

The Lighthouse is a provider of residential and short break care for children aged 8 -18 years old. We specialise in working with children with autism and learning disabilities.

100, Thorkhill Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey

Telephone: 0208 224 3495

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The Lighthouse (Emmaus Transformation Trust)

The Lighthouse is a community facility where Emmaus Transformation Trust provide many of their services.

Services include a food bank; support for parents and carers with pre-school children; good quality clothing for men, women and children; haircuts; baking table; coffee and chat; hygiene bank; and much more.

The Lighthouse, 8-10 The High Street, Woking

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The Lighthouse Barnsbury

They are a community hub situated in the heart of Barnsbury estate. On a Monday they run a drop in between 10:30-12pm serving bacon/egg rolls, tea/coffee free of charge - it's a lovely relaxed space to meet people in the community and their volunteers. On Wednesdays they run a tea and cake afternoon for Senior Citizens 2-3:30pm and Thursdays is their Youth Club for secondary School age pupils where they serve plenty of delicious goodies and play games. Other days they open to projects which are by referral only. They only open during term times. Everything they do is free of charge.

30, Ash Road, Woking, Surrey

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Lighthouse Club

After school club for 8 - 11 year olds with sports and games on Wednesdays during term time from 3.30 - 4.30pm. The children enjoy a variety of energetic sports and games which are linked together with a chat around qualities that we would like to develop in ourselves such as team work, kindness, etc.

Ray Road, Surrey

Telephone: 02089793846

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Lightwater Care

Lightwater Care aims to provide friendly, practical help on a short term basis, to anyone living in Lightwater – irrespective of age. This service is not confined to elderly or disabled residents, it is intended to assist anyone with a genuine need.

The service are able to offer assistance getting to medical appointments, or collecting prescriptions or other items.

Telephone: 07831899456

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Lightwater Library

Surrey County Council library

83a Guildford Road, Lightwater

Telephone: 0345 600 9009

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Lingfield Community Library

Surrey County Council library

The Guest House, Vicarage Road, Lingfield

Telephone: 0345 600 9009

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