
There are 664 results that match your search criteria.

Youth Hub - Brooklands

The Youth Hub will offer a one stop shop of intensive employment and learning support for young people who are:

  • Universal Credit Claimants
  • Unemployed
  • Facing redundancy
  • Struggling to sustain employment.

The Youth Hub service will include initial advice and guidance, coaching/ mentoring support, access to training courses, together with opportunities for professional development and employer engagement. The service will facilitate onward positive destinations for young people (18 -24) into training and/ or employment in the locality.

The Youth Hub will be based at Brooklands College (Weybridge campus) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays with two additional satellite sites in Addlestone (Thursday) and Egham (Wednesday).

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey

Telephone: 01932 797 700

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The Intensive Interaction Institute

Intensive Interaction is an approach designed to help people at early levels of development, people who have autism, and people who have severe, profound, or complex learning difficulties.

Intensive Interaction teaches and develops the 'Fundamentals of Communication', attainments such as: use and understanding of eye contacts, facial expressions, vocalisations leading to speech, taking turns in exchanges of conversation and the structure of a conversation.

Courses are available across the country for parents, family members and professionals.

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We provide expert advice, practical support and campaign for single parents.
What we do:

  • 'Free information for single parents on issues including: maintenance, tax credits, benefits, work, education, legal rights, childcare and holidays. With live online advice sessions.
  • The website also has information about other organisations and local groups who may be able to help

520, Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Road, London

Telephone: 0808 802 0925

Visit website for Gingerbread

Parenting Support & Family Coaching

Total Family Coaching knows that being a parent can be both rewarding and challenging especially as family life is constantly changing. This can sometimes add stress to the home environment and can lead to a relationship breakdown. there role is to support parents and carers to achieve the best relationship possible with their children, whether they are toddlers or teenagers.

Using evidence-based parenting and family skills programmes there aim to support parents:

• Have a better understanding of child development
• Deal with concerns around education and schooling
• Manage risky teenage behaviour
• Improve parent-child relationship
• Reduce parental conflict

Telephone: ​07397871877

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Kids Come First

Kids Come First is a unique separated parent support forum and teaching workshop that focuses on the needs of children. Professional trainers with experience in child counselling and family mediation present our workshops, delivering person-centred, customised support to parents during the difficult process of a family breakdown.

Parents can choose to attend a group workshop separately or book a private workshop to attend together, depending on what is appropriate for the family situation.

Workshops are held in Hamptom (TW12) and Clapham (SW4) at locations easily accessible for Surrey communities. Group workshops are held on Weekday evenings or Saturday mornings to accommodate working parents. There is a cost to attend the workshops, but families experiencing financial difficulties may be able to get help through funding.


Telephone: 07789497275

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St Wilf's Parents and Babies Group

Thursdays from 10am to 11.30am (term time only)

A safe place for babies and toddlers to play whilst carers enjoy company. The group runs on a Thursday from 10am-11:30am, term time only.

St Wilfrid's Church, Horley Row, Horley

Telephone: 01293 782218

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Tiddlers Parent and Toddlers Group

Tiddlers offer the opportunity to chat, with refreshments, play, art and craft and singing. They meet on Tuesdays during term time, from 10 to 11.45am, in the Church Hall.

St. Andrews Church, Upper Halliford Road, Shepperton, Surrey

Telephone: 07856 370685

Visit website for Tiddlers Parent and Toddlers Group

Honeypot Charity

Honeypot is a registered charity which aims to enhance the lives of vulnerable children and young carers aged 5-12 years, by providing respite breaks and on-going outreach support.

15a Berghem Mews, Blythe Road, London

Telephone: 020 7602 2631 ( Mon-Fri between 9:00 -5:30pm )

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NCT Parent Space @ Bumps & Babes

Tuesdays from 10:30am-12pm

They are running a weekly drop-in + facilitated discussion group for expectant and new parents/carers every Tuesday from 10:30am-12pm in the Hall behind the church. Come along to meet other expectant and new parents at friendly drop-in which offers light touch facilitated discussions led by experienced NCT practitioners alongside refreshments and lots of social chat.

Green St, Sunbury, Surrey

Telephone: 07717946266

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Parenting Wellbeing Service

The Parenting Wellbeing Service offers support to parents or carers whose children are experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing such as anxiety, depression, stress, self-harm and eating disorders.
The service will enable parents and carers to be a protective factor for their child/young person in their wellbeing recovery. Increasing their confidence to support their child/young person.
Practitioners will meet with parent/carers to help them identify their goals and how they can achieve positive change for them and their family. This could be through:

  • Meeting with a practitioner for 1:1 support
  • Meeting with a parent support volunteer
  • Getting advice, guidance, and information
  • Accessing phone or online support
  • Finding other support in the local community
  • Befriending other parents/carers going through similar difficulties

216 Dorset House, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

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